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Need help modifying VB code.

I found this VB script on this form. It writes dimension data to a text file. I need to modify it to check at the DimensionCommand.OutputMode so it will only write data from dimensions set to output to "stats" or the "both". I also need to add a trace line at the beginning of the file that contains information inputted from the operator. This information is held in a variable ID: "T1". Can anyone help?

Sub main
      'Delare variable For file Name To Write To
      Dim strFileName As String
      'connect To PCD program
      Dim ObjApp As Object
      Dim ObjPP As Object
      Dim ObjCmds As Object
      Dim ObjCmd As Object
      Dim ObjPart As Object
      Dim lngNumCmds As Long
      Set ObjApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
      Set ObjPart = ObjApp.ActivePartProgram
      Set ObjCmds = ObjPart.Commands
      Set lngNumCmds = ObjCmds.Count
      'Declare variables used For gather Output info
      Dim StrDimID As String
      Dim StrDimFeature As String
      Dim StrDimType As String
      Dim StrDimNominal As String
      Dim StrDimUTol As String
      Dim StrDimLTol As String
      Dim StrDimMeasure As String
      Dim StrDimDeviation As String      
      'Declare variable For creating CSV text like
      Dim StrTraceLine As String
      Dim StrOutputLine As String
              'Build And assign file Name
      strFileName = "C:\PCD output.txt"
      Open strFileName For Output As #1
      For Each ObjCmd In ObjCmds
          If ObjCmd.IsDimension Then
              If Not (ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.IsLocationAxis Or ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.IsTruePosAxis) Then
                  StrDimID = ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.ID
                  StrDimFeature = ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.Feat1
              End If
              StrDimType = FncCmdType(ObjCmd.Type)
              StrDimNominal = CStr(ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.Nominal)
              StrDimUTol = CStr(ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.Plus)
              StrDimLTol = CStr(ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.Minus)
              StrDimDev = CStr(ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.Deviation)
              If StrDimType <> "T" Then
                  StrDimMeasure = CStr(ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.Measured)
                  StrDimMeasure = CStr(ObjCmd.DimensionCommand.Deviation)
              End If
              If Not (StrDimType = "Start_Loc" Or StrDimType = "Start_TP") Then
                  StrOutputLine = StrDimID + "," + StrDimType + "," + StrDimDev + "," + "0" + "," + StrDimUTol + "," + "-" + StrDimLTol
                  Print #1, StrOutputLine
              End If
          End If
      Close #1
      MsgBox("File save complete")
End Sub
Function FncCmdType(ByVal intCmdTypeFunc As Double) As String
    Dim StrFunCmd As String
    Select Case intCmdTypeFunc
        Case 1200 'start of TP dimension
            StrFunCmd = "Start_TP"
        Case 1201 'End of TP dimension
            StrFunCmd = "End_TP"
        Case 1000 'start of location dimension
            StrFunCmd = "Start_Loc"
        Case 1001 'End of location dimension
            StrFunCmd = "End_Loc"
        Case 1002 'x location
            StrFunCmd = "X"
        Case 1003 'y locatio
            StrFunCmd = "Y"
        Case 1004 'z location
            StrFunCmd = "Z"
        Case 1005 'diameter location
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1006 'radius location
            StrFunCmd = "R"
        Case 1019 'roundness location
            StrFunCmd = "F"
        Case 1007 'angle location
            StrFunCmd = "A"
        Case 1008 't vector location
            StrFunCmd = "T"
        Case 1011 'vector location
            StrFunCmd = "V"
        Case 1009 'polar raduis location
            StrFunCmd = "U"
        Case 1010 'polar angle location
            StrFunCmd = "V"
        Case 1013 'pin diameter location
            StrFunCmd = "PD"
        Case 1101 'roundness
            StrFunCmd = "F"
        Case 1102 'flatness
            StrFunCmd = "F"
        Case 1103 'perpendicularity
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1104 'parallelism
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1106 '3d distance
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1107 '2d distance
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1108 '3d angle
            StrFunCmd = "A"
        Case 1109 '2d angle
            StrFunCmd = "A"
        Case 1111 'concentricity
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1112 'angularity
            StrFunCmd = "A"
        Case 1113 'keyin
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1202 'TP x location
            StrFunCmd = "X"
        Case 1203 'TP y location
            StrFunCmd = "Y"
        Case 1204 'TP z location
            StrFunCmd = "Z"
        Case 1205 'datum(?) diameter
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1206 'diameter of feature
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1207 'TP polar radius location
            StrFunCmd = "U"
        Case 1208 'TP polar angle location
            StrFunCmd = "V"
        Case 1209 'TP location 
            StrFunCmd = "T"
        Case 1218 'TP roundness
            StrFunCmd = "F"
        Case 1115 'symmetry
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case 1114 'Coaxiality 
            StrFunCmd = "D"
        Case Else 'Everything Else
            StrFunCmd = "D"
    End Select
    FncCmdType = StrFunCmd
End Function
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