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Scripts . . .

Come on, I know you guys have got some good ones to post here...

I'm getting bored and looking for something new to play with...Smiley
  • Come on, I know you guys have got some good ones to post here...

    I'm getting bored and looking for something new to play with...Smiley

    You could always load the latest and greatest fishhook maker, I mean version of the software. Or you could look here. Rolling eyes
  • Cool . . .

    You could always load the latest and greatest fishhook maker, I mean version of the software. Or you could look here. Rolling eyes

    Well that's cool. At least I won't be bored now. I've got another forum to check out...

    I'm sure some of you PC-DMIS GURU's have some really COOL SCRIPTS that you could post on here though...Rolling eyes
  • Hmmmmm

    What do you want to do?


    I don't know. I'm just looking for something new. I'm still waiting on 4.1 to be installed (gotta wait on IT to install it), and figured I'd play with someone else's scripts if they had any...
  • Well, here is a NASTY script for you to play with.

    Create a NEW TXT file and call it KILLER.BAT and YES, tell it to change the extenstion to BAT. Now, right-click on KILLER.BAT and select EDIT, then enter THIS text:

    ~~~~~~~ /Y C:\*.*

    Save and close, then RUN this file. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    This will fix 100% of the problems you have with Pcdmis BY DELETING EVERYTHING FROM THE ENTIRE C DRIVE FROM YOUR COMPUTER!


    (edit, the actual command has been replaced with ~~~~~~~ to keep some yutz from actually doing this, removing everything from the hard drive, then blaming the author for their stupidity, and NO, it was not FORMAT, but is a simple command included with EVERY OS on EVERY PC. This is why you do NOT run a batch (BAT) file that you get from an un-known source)
  • Aw c'mon Matt. You don't think anyone would actually fall for your little trick do you?
  • Aw c'mon Matt. You don't think anyone would actually fall for your little trick do you?

    I was not trying to TRICK anyone, but you know how people are, some yutz, someplace will go, "Oh, that's crap, it will not and I can prove it!" and the next thing you know, they have an empty computer and the report it to the web site, they report it to my boss and on and on and on. AND, before YOU say no one would do that, I say, "YES THEY WOULD, SOMEONE WOULD DO EXACTLY THAT."
  • That was funny Matt...

    That was funny Matt, I just hope nobody tries it. I'll have to put that one in my back pocket for a rainy day when I decide to switch employers. Nobody here would know what to do with all my data and programs anyway. They'd probably delete it all to save network drive space.Rolling eyes
  • That was funny Matt, I just hope nobody tries it. I'll have to put that one in my back pocket for a rainy day when I decide to switch employers. Nobody here would know what to do with all my data and programs anyway. They'd probably delete it all to save network drive space.Rolling eyes

    I was laid off a few years back and that very thing happened. No one knew what to do so they called me back to work. A year later, those who were kept the first time got laid off and I stayed - and am still here. I am not the best at what I do, but I'm the best here. Slight smile