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Display edit dialog with script

I received this request via PM. Since it makes no sense to hide the answer in a PM reply, I am posting it here.
By the way, would you please help me to one question? How to declare the object of DmisDialog? How to use the Dialog2? Your quick reply will be appreciated. Thanks

This code shows how to use the object / function in question to display the Edit Dialog for a command using script.

Sub Main
'Display the edit Dialog box For feature CIR1
  Dim pcd As Object   'PCDLRN.Application
  Dim cmd As Object   'PCDLRN.Command
  Dim dlg As Object   'PCDLRN.DmisDialog
  Dim b As Boolean
  Set pcd = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application", "")
  Set cmd=pcd.ActivePartProgram.Commands("CIR1")
End Sub
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