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Create a plane from the hits of two (or more) other planes

As a spinoff of the to_points script, I have now created a script where you can select a number of planes, and get code generated that construct a new plane from the hits of the others.

You select the planes in a dialog with two listboxes (like in Customize Toolbars), one initially empty. I had to do it this way as I haven't found any way to create a normal Windows multi-select listbox in the PC-DMIS Basic language. This selection dialog technique may be useful for other scripts, too.

This script is supposed to be connected to a button in your own customized toolbar.

' Multi-feature plane
' Extract hits from two (or more) planes and creates a new plane from them
' Anders Isaksson, Hexagon Metrology Nordic AB
Sub Main()

Dim PCDApp as Object
Dim PCDPartPrograms as Object
Dim PCDPartProgram as Object
Dim PCDCommands as Object
Dim PCDCommand as Object

Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Set PCDPartPrograms = PCDApp.PartPrograms
Set PCDPartProgram = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram
Set PCDCommands = PCDPartProgram.Commands

Dim Fcntr As Integer
Dim RetVal As Integer
Dim NumFeat As Integer
Dim NumSelect as Integer
Dim I as Integer

Dim FeatureList(1001) as string
Dim SelectList(101) as string
Dim ID1 As String
Dim ID2 As String

'***** Predialog START
NumFeat = 0
NumSelect = 0
' Enumerate commands
For Each PCDCommand In PCDCommands
' Measured (learned) feature
  If PCDCommand.IsMeasuredFeature And PCDCommand.Feature = F_PLANE Then 
    FeatureList(NumFeat) = PCDCommand.ID
    if (NumFeat < 1000) then
      NumFeat = NumFeat + 1
    end if
  End If
' Autofeature (flagged As DCC feature)
  If PCDCommand.IsDCCFeature And PCDCommand.Feature = F_PLANE Then
    FeatureList(NumFeat) = PCDCommand.ID
    if (NumFeat < 1000) then
      NumFeat = NumFeat + 1
    end if
  End If
Next PCDCommand

'***** Dialog START
Begin Dialog DIALOG_1 31,48, 198, 141, "Create a plane from other planes' hits"
  ListBox 8,8,80,110, FeatureList(), .ListBox1
  ListBox 110,8,80,110, SelectList(), .ListBox2
  PushButton 91, 8, 16, 16, "->", .pbSelect
  PushButton 91, 28, 16, 16, "<-", .pbUnSelect
  OKButton 118,120,52,12, "OK", .OKBtn
  CancelButton 64,120,52,12, "Cancel", .CancelBtn
End Dialog

Dim Dlg1 As DIALOG_1

Button = Dialog(Dlg1)
' button -1 = OK 0 = Cancel, 1 = Select, 2 = UnSelect

if (Button = 1) then
  if (Dlg1.ListBox1 >= 0) then
    SelectList(NumSelect) = FeatureList(Dlg1.ListBox1)
    for i = Dlg1.ListBox1 to 1000
      FeatureList(i) = FeatureList(i+1)
    next i
    NumSelect = NumSelect + 1
    NumFeat = NumFeat - 1
    MsgBox "Nothing to add!"
  end if
  GoTo Again
end if

if (Button = 2) then
  if (Dlg1.ListBox2 >= 0)then
    FeatureList(NumFeat) = SelectList(Dlg1.ListBox2)
    for i = Dlg1.ListBox2 to 100
      SelectList(i) = SelectList(i+1)
    next i
    NumSelect = NumSelect - 1
    NumFeat = NumFeat + 1
    MsgBox "Nothing to delete!"
  end if
  GoTo Again
end if

If (Button = -1) then
  if (NumSelect = 0) Then
    MsgBox "You must select one or more planes!"
    GoTo Again
    ID1 = SelectList(0)
    ID2 = SelectList(1)
    Set cmd = PCDCommands.Add(571, True)
    retval = cmd.PutText ("M" & NumSelect & "_" & ID1 & "_" & ID2, ID, 0)
    for i = 0 to NumSelect-1
      ID1 = SelectList(i)
      if (ID1 <> "") then 
        retval = cmd.SetExpression (ID1 & "." & "HIT" & "[1.." & ID1 & ".NUMHITS]" , REF_ID, i+1)
      end if
    next i
  end if
End If 
'***** Cleanup
Set PCDCommand = Nothing
Set PCDCommands = Nothing
Set PCDPartProgram = Nothing
Set PCDPartPrograms = Nothing
Set PCDApp = Nothing

End Sub

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