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Dropdown List of Stylus in program

Hello All.

I hit a bump and I can't seem to figure out what I am missing.

I have used dropdown lists before, and I am unaware what I am missing.

'  Rploughe 2015
Sub Main()
Dim App As Object
Dim Part As Object
Dim Cmds As Object
Dim Cmd As Object
Dim PartProbes, PartProbe, ProbeTips, ProbeTip
Dim Prober1
Dim ProbeList$( ) 

'Creat PC-Dmis Commands
Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
Set Cmds = Part.Commands
serverpath = "Z:\01 Leitz PMM-Xi\probes\" 'Path coded To point To probes folder

'Assign searchpath using "serverpath"
Dim filename As String
Dim count As Integer
Dim ECount As Integer
count = 9000

'Redimension array With correct count of entries
ReDim ProbeList$(Count)
filename = Dir(serverpath & "*.*", 0) 'value of "0" pulls In all files In directory given
Let ECount = "0"
While filename <> ""
    filelength = len(filename)
    delimper = instr(1,filename,".")
    delimp = Right$(filename,(filelength-delimper))
    If delimp = "PRB" Then
         checker = Left$(filename,(filelength-4))
         For Each Cmd In Cmds
              If Cmd.Type = GET_PROBE_DATA Then
                   bln = Cmd.GetText(File_Name, 0)
                   If checker = bln Then
                        ProbeList$(ECount) = checker  [COLOR=#ff0000][B]<-- If I call out "checker" here, a msgbox shows the correct value.[/B][/COLOR]
                   End If
              End If
         Next Cmd  
    End If
    ECount = ECount + 1  [COLOR=#0000FF][B]<-- This is in the wrong location, caused my list to populate blank entries.  Moved below the "checker" assignment above, and works fine.[/B][/COLOR]
    filename = Dir ' find the Next file

MsgBox (probelist (0))  [COLOR=#ff0000][B]<-- Even here I get a blank window.  So I am missing the correct way to call out a list value.[/B][/COLOR]

'Opens Dialog For Input
Begin Dialog DIALOG_1 50,10, 225, 75,      oCalibrationSelection
'Text For Operator Input
     'Box & Text For Operator Input
         Text                5,7,85,12, "Select Stylus :"
         ListBox    57,5,100,50, ProbeList$( ), .Lstbox

'Ok And Cancel Buttons 
  OKButton       165,5,50,15
  CancelButton 165,25,50,15
 End Dialog

'Code Begins
Dim Dialg As DIALOG_1
button = Dialog(Dialg)
If Button = 0 Then Exit Sub

'Dimensions Each box Input To an assignment
Oper1 = ProbeList (Dialg.Lstbox)  [COLOR=#ff0000][B]<-- This is my problem area.  I do not know why this won't pull in my selected value from the dropdownlist.
MsgBox (ProbeList(0))
MsgBox (ProbeList (1))[COLOR=#ff0000][B] <-- I tried to simulate the process and still get a blank box[/B][/COLOR]
MsgBox (Dialg.lstbox)  [COLOR=#ff0000][B]<-- This does give me the value I selected, ex. 0,1,2[/B][/COLOR]
MsgBox (Oper1)

'Begins the Variable assignment To PCDMIS For Each COMMAND
For Each Cmd In Cmds
    If Cmd.Type = ASSIGNMENT Then
         If Cmd.GetText(DEST_EXPR,0) = "PROBECHOICE" Then
         bln = Cmd.PutText("""" + Oper1 + """", SRC_EXPR, 0)  [COLOR=#ff0000][B]<-- An attempt to show the result in a variable, the variable value does not change.[/B][/COLOR]
         End If
    End If
Next Cmd

Set PartProbes = Part.Probes("RBS_HALFLEFT")  [COLOR=#ff0000][B]<-- Future use of pulled value.  If I type in the value as shown, it works.[/B][/COLOR]

Set Cmd = Nothing
Set Cmds = Nothing
Set Part = Nothing
Set App = Nothing
End Sub

^Nevermind, I figured out. See blue text above.
  • Solved code

    '  Rploughe 2015
    Sub Main()
    Dim App As Object
    Dim Part As Object
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim PartProbes, PartProbe, ProbeTips, ProbeTip
    Dim Prober1
    Dim ProbeList$()
    'Creat PC-Dmis Commands
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    serverpath = "Z:\01 Leitz PMM-Xi\probes\" 'Path coded As a network directory In "My Computer" To point To projects folder
    'Assign searchpath using "serverpath"
    Dim filename As String
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim ECount As Integer
    count = 9000
    'Redimension array With correct count of entries
    ReDim ProbeList$(Count)
    filename = Dir(serverpath & "*.*", 0) 'value of "0" pulls In all files In directory given
    Let ECount = "0"
    While filename <> ""
        filelength = len(filename)
        delimper = instr(1,filename,".")
        delimp = Right$(filename,(filelength-delimper))
        If delimp = "PRB" Then
             checker = Left$(filename,(filelength-4))
             For Each Cmd In Cmds
                  If Cmd.Type = GET_PROBE_DATA Then
                       bln = Cmd.GetText(File_Name, 0)
                       If checker = bln Then
                            ProbeList$(ECount) = checker
                            ECount = ECount + 1
                       End If
                  End If
             Next Cmd  
        End If
        filename = Dir ' find the Next file
    'Opens Dialog For Input
    Begin Dialog DIALOG_1 50,10, 225, 75,      oCalibrationSelection
    'Text For Operator Input
         'Box & Text For Operator Input
             Text                5,7,85,12, "Select Stylus :"
             ListBox             60,5,100,20, ProbeList$( ), .Lstbox
    'Ok And Cancel Buttons 
      OKButton       165,5,50,15
      CancelButton 165,25,50,15
     End Dialog
    'Code Begins
    Dim Dialg As DIALOG_1
    button = Dialog(Dialg)
    If Button = 0 Then Exit Sub
    'Dimensions Each box Input To an assignment
    Oper1 = ProbeList (Dialg.Lstbox)
    Set Cmds = Nothing
    Set Part = Nothing
    Set App = Nothing
    End Sub
  • Solved code

    '  Rploughe 2015
    Sub Main()
    Dim App As Object
    Dim Part As Object
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim PartProbes, PartProbe, ProbeTips, ProbeTip
    Dim Prober1
    Dim ProbeList$()
    'Creat PC-Dmis Commands
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    serverpath = "Z:\01 Leitz PMM-Xi\probes\" 'Path coded As a network directory In "My Computer" To point To projects folder
    'Assign searchpath using "serverpath"
    Dim filename As String
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim ECount As Integer
    count = 9000
    'Redimension array With correct count of entries
    ReDim ProbeList$(Count)
    filename = Dir(serverpath & "*.*", 0) 'value of "0" pulls In all files In directory given
    Let ECount = "0"
    While filename <> ""
        filelength = len(filename)
        delimper = instr(1,filename,".")
        delimp = Right$(filename,(filelength-delimper))
        If delimp = "PRB" Then
             checker = Left$(filename,(filelength-4))
             For Each Cmd In Cmds
                  If Cmd.Type = GET_PROBE_DATA Then
                       bln = Cmd.GetText(File_Name, 0)
                       If checker = bln Then
                            ProbeList$(ECount) = checker
                            ECount = ECount + 1
                       End If
                  End If
             Next Cmd  
        End If
        filename = Dir ' find the Next file
    'Opens Dialog For Input
    Begin Dialog DIALOG_1 50,10, 225, 75,      oCalibrationSelection
    'Text For Operator Input
         'Box & Text For Operator Input
             Text                5,7,85,12, "Select Stylus :"
             ListBox             60,5,100,20, ProbeList$( ), .Lstbox
    'Ok And Cancel Buttons 
      OKButton       165,5,50,15
      CancelButton 165,25,50,15
     End Dialog
    'Code Begins
    Dim Dialg As DIALOG_1
    button = Dialog(Dialg)
    If Button = 0 Then Exit Sub
    'Dimensions Each box Input To an assignment
    Oper1 = ProbeList (Dialg.Lstbox)
    Set Cmds = Nothing
    Set Part = Nothing
    Set App = Nothing
    End Sub
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