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File Report Number in report

Well, I'm begginer in PC-Dmis programming, but I'd like to include the file report number in report header with a label. For example:


How can I do that?

Thanks in advance.
  • How do you want to index the report number? Do you want it to start at 1 then index infinitely? By that I mean if you check 10 parts today then check 10 next week do you want next weeks report to start with 11? Or do you want it to start at 1 each time an "order" or "run" is inspected and to start at 1 on the next order?

    These things can be done but how intricate your solution is depends on how you want to count off your reports. BTW saving stats puts an index number on your reports.

  • How do you want to index the report number? Do you want it to start at 1 then index infinitely? By that I mean if you check 10 parts today then check 10 next week do you want next weeks report to start with 11? Or do you want it to start at 1 each time an "order" or "run" is inspected and to start at 1 on the next order?

    These things can be done but how intricate your solution is depends on how you want to count off your reports. BTW saving stats puts an index number on your reports.

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