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Simple Rename script - needs work by anyone interested...

There was a question in another part of the forum for a way to rename features in program order. I found the source code of an old EditFeat.VB script in my archives, and have stripped anything VB6 from it, to make [the beginnings] of a script that can run in PC-DMIS Basic.

As it stands now, it renames all POINTS, LINES, CIRCLES, PLANES, CYLINDERS, and SPHERES - hardwired three letter name plus an incrementing number according to the type. It should be straightforward to remove unwanted parts of the script, or add blocks for other feature types. It should also be relatively easy to add a dialog and do selective renaming, but all that is left as exercises for the reader...

Sub Main

'  This is a program which goes through the entire current program And renames features
'      by their Type And also With an increment according To
'      the relative position In the part program.

    Dim App As Object
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim Part As Object
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    Dim Cmd As Object

    Dim PointNum As Integer
    Dim LineNum As Integer
    Dim CircNum As Integer
    Dim PlaneNum As Integer
    Dim CylinderNum As Integer
    Dim ConeNum As Integer
    Dim SphereNum As Integer
    Dim DimensionNum As Integer
    Dim AlignmentNum As Integer

    Dim ContinueOn As String

    AllNum = 1
    PointNum = 1
    LineNum = 1
    CircNum = 1
    PlaneNum = 1
    CylinderNum = 1
    ConeNum = 1
    SphereNum = 1
    DimensionNum = 1
    AlignmentNum = 1

    Dim NewId As String

'  cycle through the commands In the program, performing the rename

   For Each Cmd In Cmds
        If Cmd.Feature = F_POINT Then
          NewId = "PNT" & PointNum
          Cmd.ID = NewId
          PointNum = PointNum + 1
        End If
        If Cmd.Feature = F_LINE Then
          NewId = "LIN" & LineNum
          Cmd.ID = NewId
          LineNum = LineNum + 1
        End If
        If Cmd.Feature = F_CIRCLE Then
          NewId = "CIR" & CircNum
          Cmd.ID = NewId
          CircNum = CircNum + 1
        End If
        If Cmd.Feature = F_PLANE Then
          NewId = "PLN" & PlaneNum
          Cmd.ID = NewId
          PlaneNum = PlaneNum + 1
        End If
        If Cmd.Feature = F_CYLINDER Then
          NewId = "CYL" & CylinderNum
          Cmd.ID = NewId
          CylinderNum = CylinderNum + 1
        End If
        If Cmd.Feature = F_SPHERE Then
          NewId = "SPH" & SphereNum
          Cmd.ID = NewId
          SphereNum = SphereNum + 1
        End If
   Next Cmd


End Sub

  • Of course I couldn't keep my hands away (I like coding!), so here's an updated version with a dialog to select what to rename, also can rename dimensions and alignments. Enjoy!

    Note: The dialog was created with the Dialog Designer in the Basic editor (Edit -> Dialog Editor...). It only works if PC-DMIS is started with admin rights (because of Registry access restrictions). It can as easily be created directly in code (if you know what to write).

    Edit: The Dialog Designer is the file dlgdsn.exe in the PC-DMIS folder. It gets a bit better if this .exe is marked for XP compatibility, and started manually outside of PC-DMIS. It still needs admin rights, though, but it runs smoother, with fewer graphics glitches. You can transfer a dialog back and forth between the Designer and Basic by using the Clipboard:

    - Mark and Copy in Basic, File -> Load Dialog from Clipboard in Designer
    - Edit as much as you want
    - File -> Put Dialog on Clipboard in Designer, Paste in Basic

    Sub Main
    '      This is a program which goes through the entire current program And renames features,
    '      dimensions And alignments by their Type And also With an increment according To the relative position In the part program.
        Dim App As Object
        Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
        Dim PartProg As Object
        Set PartProg = App.ActivePartProgram
        Dim Cmds As Object
        Set Cmds = PartProg.Commands
        Dim Cmd As Object
        Dim PointNum As Integer
        Dim LineNum As Integer
        Dim CircNum As Integer
        Dim PlaneNum As Integer
        Dim CylinderNum As Integer
        Dim ConeNum As Integer
        Dim SphereNum As Integer
        Dim DimensionNum As Integer
        Dim AlignmentNum As Integer
        Dim AllName As String
        Dim PointName As String
        Dim LineName As String
        Dim CircName As String
        Dim PlaneName As String
        Dim CylinderName As String
        Dim ConeName As String
        Dim SphereName As String
        Dim DimensionName As String
        Dim AlignmentName As String
        Dim DoAll As Boolean
        Dim DoPoint As Boolean
        Dim DoLine As Boolean
        Dim DoCircle As Boolean
        Dim DoPlane As Boolean
        Dim DoCylinder As Boolean
        Dim DoCone As Boolean
        Dim DoSphere As Boolean
        Dim DoDimension As Boolean
        Dim DoAlignment As Boolean
        Dim NewId As String
        AllName = "FEAT"
        PointName = "PNT"
        LineName = "LIN"
        CircName = "CIR"
        PlaneName = "PLN"
        CylinderName ="CYL"
        ConeName = "CON"
        SphereName = "SPH"
        DimensionName = "DIM"
        AlignmentName = "ALN"
        ' Dialog
        Begin Dialog DLGRENAMER 150,2, 137, 259, "Renamer 1.0"
          CheckBox 8,8,60,16, "Alignments", .cbAln
          CheckBox 8,123,60,16, "Planes", .cbPln
          CheckBox 8,100,60,16, "Circles", .cbCir
          CheckBox 8,77,60,16, "Lines", .cbLin
          CheckBox 8,54,60,16, "Points", .cbPnt
          CheckBox 8,31,60,16, "Dimensions", .cbDim
          CheckBox 8,146,60,16, "Cylinders", .cbCyl
          CheckBox 8,169,60,16, "Cones", .cbCon
          CheckBox 8,192,60,16, "Spheres", .cbSph
          CheckBox 8,215,60,16, "All...", .cbAll
          TextBox 76,10,37,12, .edAln
          TextBox 76,33,37,12, .edDim
          TextBox 76,56,37,12, .edPnt
          TextBox 76,79,37,12, .edLin
          TextBox 76,102,37,12, .edCir
          TextBox 76,125,37,12, .edPln
          TextBox 76,148,37,12, .edCyl
          TextBox 76,171,37,12, .edCon
          TextBox 76,194,37,12, .edSph
          TextBox 76,217,37,12, .edAll
          OKButton 76,240,37,12
          CancelButton 12,240,37,12
        End Dialog
        Dim DlgRen As DLGRENAMER
        DlgRen.edAll = AllName
        DlgRen.edPnt = PointName
        DlgRen.edLin = LineName
        DlgRen.edCir = CircName
        DlgRen.edPln = PlaneName
        DlgRen.edCyl = CylinderName
        DlgRen.edCon = ConeName
        DlgRen.edSph = SphereName
        DlgRen.edDim = DimensionName
        DlgRen.edAln = AlignmentName
        rc = Dialog(DlgRen)
        If rc <> 0 Then
          AllNum = 1
          PointNum = 1
          LineNum = 1
          CircNum = 1
          PlaneNum = 1
          CylinderNum = 1
          ConeNum = 1
          SphereNum = 1
          DimensionNum = 1
          AlignmentNum = 1
          AllName = DlgRen.edAll
          PointName = DlgRen.edPnt
          LineName = DlgRen.edLin
          CircName = DlgRen.edCir
          PlaneName = DlgRen.edPln
          CylinderName = DlgRen.edCyl
          ConeName = DlgRen.edCon
          SphereName = DlgRen.edSph
          DimensionName = DlgRen.edDim
          AlignmentName = DlgRen.edAln
          DoPoint  = DlgRen.cbPnt
          DoLine  = DlgRen.cbLin
          DoCircle  = DlgRen.cbCir
          DoPlane  = DlgRen.cbPln
          DoCylinder  = DlgRen.cbCyl
          DoCone  = DlgRen.cbCon
          DoSphere  = DlgRen.cbSph
          DoDimension  = DlgRen.cbDim
          DoAlignment  = DlgRen.cbAln
          DoAll = DlgRen.cbAll
          If DoAll Then
            DoPoint  = False
            DoLine  = False
            DoCircle  = False
            DoPlane  = False
            DoCylinder  = False
            DoCone  = False
            DoSphere  = False
          End If
    '  cycle through the commands In the program, performing the rename
          For Each Cmd In Cmds
            If Cmd.IsFeature And Cmd.ID <> "" Then
              If Doall Then
                NewId = AllName & AllNum
                Cmd.ID = NewId
                AllNum = AllNum + 1
              End If
              If Cmd.Feature = F_POINT And DoPoint Then
                NewId = PointName & PointNum
                Cmd.ID = NewId
                PointNum = PointNum + 1
              End If
              If Cmd.Feature = F_LINE And DoLine Then
                NewId = LineName & LineNum
                Cmd.ID = NewId
                LineNum = LineNum + 1
              End If
              If Cmd.Feature = F_CIRCLE And DoCircle Then
                NewId = CircName & CircNum
                Cmd.ID = NewId
                CircNum = CircNum + 1
              End If
              If Cmd.Feature = F_PLANE And DoPlane Then
                NewId = PlaneName & PlaneNum
                Cmd.ID = NewId
                PlaneNum = PlaneNum + 1
              End If
              If Cmd.Feature = F_CYLINDER And DoCyl Then
                NewId = CylinderName & CylinderNum
                Cmd.ID = NewId
                CylinderNum = CylinderNum + 1
              End If
              If Cmd.Feature = F_SPHERE And DoSph Then
                NewId = SphereName & SphereNum
                Cmd.ID = NewId
                SphereNum = SphereNum + 1
              End If
            ElseIf Cmd.IsDimension And DoDimension And Cmd.ID <> "" Then
                NewId = DimensionName & DimensionNum
                Cmd.ID = NewId
                DimensionNum = DimensionNum + 1
            ElseIf Cmd.IsAlignment And DoAlignment And Cmd.ID <> "STARTUP" And Cmd.ID <> "" Then
                  NewId = AlignmentName & AlignmentNum
                  Cmd.ID = NewId
                  AlignmentNum = AlignmentNum + 1
            End If
          Next Cmd
          GoTo Repeat_Dialog
      End If
    End Sub
  • If I could add; this line "ElseIf Cmd.IsDimension And DoDimension And Cmd.ID <> "" Then" should also have "And Cmd.Type <> &H513". At least in my version (2019 R2), datum definitions seem to be categorized as "IsDimension". They need to be excluded when renaming dimensions.
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