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How to calculate arc points with an angle, center point and radius

I am putting this here because others may use it.

How to find point x,y and i,j on an arc at specific angles

ASSIGN/V1=ARRAY("Center X","Center Y","Center Z")
ASSIGN/V2="Radius of Circle"
ASSIGN/V3="First Angle"
ASSIGN/V4="Second Angle"
  • I believe the letter F needs to be lowercase in the FORMAT statement
  • probably.
    It may have changed it after i copy/paste.
  • Another way to do it, with some assignments, when the circle isn't along Z axis.(In a first time, it works if the circle is aligned on origin : a line between origin and the center is perp to the circle - I will add some changes ASAP if the circle isn't aligned)

    If you begin by this thread on monday morning, please have one or two coffee(s) before continuing Slight smile !

    First, a little maths explaining the method using rotation matrices :

    The first matrix turns around Z, the second around Y1 and the third around X2. E represents the whole rotation.

    Then, some assignments :

    ASSIGN/GAMMA=0 (or DEG2RAD(C1.INPUT) if you want to enter a value)

    A first point at “0°” can be calculated using the matrix D (or E with GAMMA=0 !)


    The coordinates of a point with GAMMA=10° uses the same way, with :


    For those calculations, I assume that the circle is not along (0,01) vector.
    I use the actual coordinates of the circle, I transpose them as if they were along X axis and I apply the matrix.
  • Jefman, are those formulas for rotating of the axes?

    It’s just past noon now (started today at 2:30 a.m.) and my head still isn’t clear enough to follow. Confused
  • Jefman, are those formulas for rotating of the axes?

    It’s just past noon now (started today at 2:30 a.m.) and my head still isn’t clear enough to follow. Confused

    Yes, i use rotation formulas to create the points.
    Ok, it's a strange way to do it !
    I assume that it's more simple to "move" a point from an init fictive position to a real one.
    I believe that it could be done with a double cross product, but I have to work around a little... Maybe on friday or next week-end if it's raining !
  • Matrix Rotation. Awesome.

    I was trying to figure how to relate the math expressions into code a while ago, and I had trouble.

    This is way cool.
  • Heh, that's kinda nifty.

    I'm totally saving this.