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Dimension Bonus

Hello All,

i originally didn't think about this.
However having played around a little bit and noticing a few of my older reports showing OOT due to not calculating a dimensions "Bonus" into it's tolerance of measure, what is the easiest way to pull out a dimensions bonus.

I tried DimensionCommand.Bonus in a script and it returns 0 every time.
I found this snippet in the help file:
"This function only works for single true position objects, i.e., DIMENSION_TRUE_Z_LOCATION, but not DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION or DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION. If used on any other object type, getting this variable will return zero."
So i guess I would have to pull from the "DF" & D1-D* locations then?
I tried the "TP" location but it returns nothing. This would be ideal however.

Is there a way to pull whether or not a dimenions has MMC or LMC active?
As well as with Datums?

What about the FCF generated by ExactMeasure?
  • Well i got it to work for legacy dimensions.

    I had a hard time with it because i forgot to Dim Bonus at the beginning of my script....Rolling eyes

    It's a simple use of DimensionCommand.Bonus
    for legacy.

    I will figure out Xact next, will keep updated.

    This is the snippet i use for my excel output.

    xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount+1).Value = "Bonus"
    Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
    xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount).Value = Meas
    Set Bonus = Abs(fncsheet.Round(Dcmd.Bonus,6))
    xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5, CCount+1).Value = Bonus
    If Meas > PlusTol+Bonus Then
    xlSheet.Cells(RCount+5,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
    End If
    CCount = CCount + 1

  • For simplicity sake, it checks to verify Bonus on all dimensions.
    Then outputs them in the column next to it.

    That way anyone who looks at the report can see the applied tolerance.
    Then i can backtrace to where the tolerance came from.
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