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Script to modify a series of .PRG files

I have a need to automate the following process:

Loop through a set of .PRG files that are in a common directory. For each file do the following:
1) Open the file
2) Locate a specific command in the program
3) Delete all commands in the program after the command located in step 2
4) Add a set of dimension commands after the command identified in step 2
5) Launch the PCD2EXCEL wizard to output a .CSV file containing the data from the commands added in step 4
6) Close the file

Has anyone had to do something similar? Is anyone willing to share their code for any or all of these actions?

Thanks for any help.
  • Second part of code

    You need to export a modified program (with new commands added) and remove everything so it's just the commands you want to add in there

    Below I'm adding two Loc commands with X Z and D lines to them.

    In notepad (or similar) replace DmisCommand with cmd, then replace my code below with your code.

    Sub DoShitWithDmis(fname As String)
    Dim progpath As String
    progpath = mypath & "\" & fname
    Dim pcpart As PCDLRN.PartProgram
    Debug.Print progpath
    Set pcpart = pcapp.PartPrograms.Open(progpath, "Offline")
    Dim cmds As PCDLRN.Commands
    Dim cmd As PCDLRN.Command
    Set cmds = pcpart.Commands
    Dim deletecommandflag As Boolean
    deletecommandflag = False
    'loop through commands deleting once delete command flag has bees set to true
    For Each cmd In cmds
    If cmd.ID = cmdID Then
    deletecommandflag = True
    End If
    If deletecommandflag = True Then
    End If
    Set cmd = cmds.LastCommand
    cmds.InsertionPointAfter cmd
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_START_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
      ' Set Id  = LOC1
        retval = cmd.PutText("LOC1", ID, 0)
      ' Set Reference Id  = CIR2
        retval = cmd.PutText("CIR2", REF_ID, 0)
      ' Set Graphic Analysis  = OFF
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(1, GRAPH_ANALYSIS, 0)
      ' Set Textual Analysis  = OFF
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(1, TEXT_ANALYSIS, 0)
      ' Set Arrow Multiplier  = 10.000000
        retval = cmd.PutText("10.000000", ARROW_MULTIPLIER, 0)
      ' Set Output Type  = BOTH
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(3, OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
      ' Set Unit Type  = MM
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(2, UNIT_TYPE, 0)
      ' Set Standard Deviation  = 0.000000
        retval = cmd.PutText("0.000000", STANDARD_DEVIATION, 0)
      ' Set Half Angle  = NO
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(1, DIM_HALF_ANGLE, 0)
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_X_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
      ' Set Axis  = X
        retval = cmd.PutText("X", Axis, 0)
      ' Set Nominal  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", Nominal, 0)
      ' Set Measured  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_MEASURED, 0)
      ' Set Plus Tolerance  =    0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.051", F_PLUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Minus Tolerance  =   -0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("  -0.051", F_MINUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Max  =   13.492
        retval = cmd.PutText("  13.492", DIM_MAX, 0)
      ' Set Min  =  -13.492
        retval = cmd.PutText(" -13.492", DIM_MIN, 0)
      ' Set Deviation  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_DEVIATION, 0)
      ' Set Out Tol  = 0
        retval = cmd.PutText("0", DIM_OUTTOL, 0)
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_Z_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
      ' Set Axis  = Z
        retval = cmd.PutText("Z", Axis, 0)
      ' Set Nominal  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", Nominal, 0)
      ' Set Measured  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_MEASURED, 0)
      ' Set Plus Tolerance  =    0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.051", F_PLUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Minus Tolerance  =   -0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("  -0.051", F_MINUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Max  =   -0.471
        retval = cmd.PutText("  -0.471", DIM_MAX, 0)
      ' Set Min  =  -13.500
        retval = cmd.PutText(" -13.500", DIM_MIN, 0)
      ' Set Deviation  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_DEVIATION, 0)
      ' Set Out Tol  = 0
        retval = cmd.PutText("0", DIM_OUTTOL, 0)
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_D_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
      ' Set Axis  = D
        retval = cmd.PutText("D", Axis, 0)
      ' Set Nominal  =   27.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("  27.000", Nominal, 0)
      ' Set Measured  =   27.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("  27.000", DIM_MEASURED, 0)
      ' Set Plus Tolerance  =    0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.051", F_PLUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Minus Tolerance  =   -0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("  -0.051", F_MINUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Max  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_MAX, 0)
      ' Set Min  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_MIN, 0)
      ' Set Deviation  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_DEVIATION, 0)
      ' Set Out Tol  = 0
        retval = cmd.PutText("0", DIM_OUTTOL, 0)
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_END_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_START_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
      ' Set Id  = LOC2
        retval = cmd.PutText("LOC2", ID, 0)
      ' Set Reference Id  = CIR3
        retval = cmd.PutText("CIR3", REF_ID, 0)
      ' Set Graphic Analysis  = OFF
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(1, GRAPH_ANALYSIS, 0)
      ' Set Textual Analysis  = OFF
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(1, TEXT_ANALYSIS, 0)
      ' Set Arrow Multiplier  = 10.000000
        retval = cmd.PutText("10.000000", ARROW_MULTIPLIER, 0)
      ' Set Output Type  = BOTH
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(3, OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
      ' Set Unit Type  = MM
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(2, UNIT_TYPE, 0)
      ' Set Standard Deviation  = 0.000000
        retval = cmd.PutText("0.000000", STANDARD_DEVIATION, 0)
      ' Set Half Angle  = NO
        retval = cmd.SetToggleString(1, DIM_HALF_ANGLE, 0)
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_X_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
      ' Set Axis  = X
        retval = cmd.PutText("X", Axis, 0)
      ' Set Nominal  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", Nominal, 0)
      ' Set Measured  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_MEASURED, 0)
      ' Set Plus Tolerance  =    0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.051", F_PLUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Minus Tolerance  =   -0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("  -0.051", F_MINUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Max  =   13.492
        retval = cmd.PutText("  13.492", DIM_MAX, 0)
      ' Set Min  =  -13.492
        retval = cmd.PutText(" -13.492", DIM_MIN, 0)
      ' Set Deviation  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_DEVIATION, 0)
      ' Set Out Tol  = 0
        retval = cmd.PutText("0", DIM_OUTTOL, 0)
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_Z_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
      ' Set Axis  = Z
        retval = cmd.PutText("Z", Axis, 0)
      ' Set Nominal  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", Nominal, 0)
      ' Set Measured  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_MEASURED, 0)
      ' Set Plus Tolerance  =    0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.051", F_PLUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Minus Tolerance  =   -0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("  -0.051", F_MINUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Max  =   -0.471
        retval = cmd.PutText("  -0.471", DIM_MAX, 0)
      ' Set Min  =  -13.500
        retval = cmd.PutText(" -13.500", DIM_MIN, 0)
      ' Set Deviation  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_DEVIATION, 0)
      ' Set Out Tol  = 0
        retval = cmd.PutText("0", DIM_OUTTOL, 0)
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_D_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
      ' Set Axis  = D
        retval = cmd.PutText("D", Axis, 0)
      ' Set Nominal  =   27.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("  27.000", Nominal, 0)
      ' Set Measured  =   27.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("  27.000", DIM_MEASURED, 0)
      ' Set Plus Tolerance  =    0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.051", F_PLUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Minus Tolerance  =   -0.051
        retval = cmd.PutText("  -0.051", F_MINUS_TOL, 0)
      ' Set Max  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_MAX, 0)
      ' Set Min  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_MIN, 0)
      ' Set Deviation  =    0.000
        retval = cmd.PutText("   0.000", DIM_DEVIATION, 0)
      ' Set Out Tol  = 0
        retval = cmd.PutText("0", DIM_OUTTOL, 0)
      Set cmd = cmds.Add(DIMENSION_END_LOCATION, True)
        cmd.Marked = True
    pcpart.SaveAs (mypath & "\Processed files\" & fname)
    'Shell ("C:\Program Files (x86)\WAI\PC-DMIS 2012 MR1 (Release)\Wizards\PCD2EXCEL.exe /A")
    Debug.Print fname & " : file processed"
    End Sub
  • - That was the 'or similar' I was referring to!

    I use xml files instead of txt files for storing data in my applications. I find find it invaluable too when viewing structured data.

    Also I have a compare plug in for it which makes me do a 5ex wee every time I use it!
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