Hello all,
Is there some documentation on the settogglestring method.
I am curious about the parameter values and how to set them
Thanks in advance for any help or info.
1. Object Library reference materials: Went to Wilcox site, looked for reference manuals,
http://www.wilcoxassoc.com/downloads...umentation.php Starting with version 4.0 (I think it was), they include a Basic programming reference with every supported version, which has an extensive Object Library reference
I tried this link but it didn't work.
I couldn't find anything in the Basic Language Help file when you hit F1.
Found the SetToggleString method in the Object Library, but no explanation
for the parameter values.
Here is a snippet of code for the script
I've been using to output diminfo for out
of tolerance vector points.
I only want the "T" value displayed.
No headings, icons etc.
delimpos = instr(1,CMDline,"OOT")
If delimpos = 1 then
Cmd.PutText Dimname, REF_ID, 0
Cmd.SetToggleString 6, SHOW_IDS, 1
Cmd.SetToggleString 6, SHOW_IDS, 2
Cmd.SetToggleString 1, SHOW_HEADINGS, 0
Cmd.SetToggleString 1, GRAPH_OPTION, 0
Cmd.SetToggleString 4, DIM_INFO_ORDER, 1
Cmd.SetToggleString 14, DIM_INFO_LOC, 1
Cmd.Marked = True
End If
But, this code is generating an ICON, HORIZONTAL AND
1. Object Library reference materials: Went to Wilcox site, looked for reference manuals,
http://www.wilcoxassoc.com/downloads...umentation.php Starting with version 4.0 (I think it was), they include a Basic programming reference with every supported version, which has an extensive Object Library reference
I tried this link but it didn't work.
I couldn't find anything in the Basic Language Help file when you hit F1.
Found the SetToggleString method in the Object Library, but no explanation
for the parameter values.
Here is a snippet of code for the script
I've been using to output diminfo for out
of tolerance vector points.
I only want the "T" value displayed.
No headings, icons etc.
delimpos = instr(1,CMDline,"OOT")
If delimpos = 1 then
Cmd.PutText Dimname, REF_ID, 0
Cmd.SetToggleString 6, SHOW_IDS, 1
Cmd.SetToggleString 6, SHOW_IDS, 2
Cmd.SetToggleString 1, SHOW_HEADINGS, 0
Cmd.SetToggleString 1, GRAPH_OPTION, 0
Cmd.SetToggleString 4, DIM_INFO_ORDER, 1
Cmd.SetToggleString 14, DIM_INFO_LOC, 1
Cmd.Marked = True
End If
But, this code is generating an ICON, HORIZONTAL AND