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Auto create folder script

So at my last shop we had a .bas file that would create folders. here is what i am doing.
What it used to do would create a folder for part number(if it didnt already exist) then each sub folder.

then i could use this same code in every program since it pulls in the part number, operation, serial, from a text file and assigns them a variable.

Parents Reply
  • Oh, Sorry i ve zero experience in basic. I just followed post #5 and copied it and changed the path2 to the folder name as he said
    But now i realise he problably meant change the folder name in the pc-dmis code.

    So in the bas script it should be:
    Set Pathname=PCDPartProgram.GetVariableValue("PATH2")

    And in the pc-dmis code i assign path2 to whatever folder i want it to be saved in?
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