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Move Clear Point.bas

Move Clear Point.bas

I use this Basic Cypress Enable Script example to add, execute and remove the Move Clear Point using a created icon place in the drop down Menu Bar list.

Dim DmisApp As Object
Dim DmisPart As Object
Dim DmisCommands As Object
Dim DmisCommand As Object
Dim Msg, Style, myTitle, Help, Ctxt, Response, MyString

Sub ClearPoint

       Msg = "Executing Move Clear Point? "& chr(10) & chr(10) & "Validate Probe path is clear" ' Define message.
       Style = vbYes + vbCritical '+ vbDefaultButton1 'Define buttons.
       Style = 1 + 16 + 0 ' Define buttons.
       myTitle = "Add Move Clear Point" 'Define Title
       Help = "DEMO.HLP" ' Define Help file.
       Ctxt = 1000 ' Define topic context.

       'Display message.
       Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, myTitle, Help, Ctxt)

       'MsgBox Response
    If Response = 1 Then 'vbNo Then 'User chose Yes.
       MyString = 1 ' Perform some action.

       Set DmisCommand = DmisCommands.CurrentCommand
       Set DmisCommand = DmisCommands.Add(163, True) 'MOVE_CLEARPOINT

       Set DmisCommand = DmisCommands.CurrentCommand
       retval = dmiscommand.execute

       Set DmisCommand = DmisCommands.CurrentCommand
       retval = dmiscommand.remove
       MsgBox "Executing Move Clear Point Complete"

   Else ' User chose No.
      MyString = 2 ' Perform some action.
      MsgBox "Executing Move Clear Point has been Canceled"
   End If

End Sub

Sub Main

       Set DmisApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
       Set DmisPart = DmisApp.ActivePartProgram
       Set DmisCommands = DmisPart.Commands
       CommandCount = DmisCommands.Count
       Set DmisCommand = DmisCommands.Item(CommandCount)
       DmisCommands.InsertionPointAfter DmisCommand

       Msg = "Do you want to continue Executing Move Clear Point? " ' Define message.
       Style = vbYes + vbCritical '+ vbDefaultButton1 ' Define buttons.
       Style = 4 + 32 + 0 ' Define buttons.
       myTitle = "Execute Added Move Clear Point" ' Define Title
       Help = "DEMO.HLP" ' Define Help file.
       Ctxt = 1000 ' Define topic context.

       'Display message.
       Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, myTitle, Help, Ctxt)

      'MsgBox Response
   If Response = 6 Then 'vbNo Then ' User chose Yes.
      MyString = 6 ' Perform some action.


  Else  'User chose No.
      MyString = 7 ' Perform some action.
      MsgBox "Executing Move Clear Point has been Canceled"
  End If

     Set DmisApp = Nothing
     Set DmisPart = Nothing
     Set DmisCommand = Nothing
     Set DmisCommands = Nothing

End Sub