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Tip object


I am trying to get A angle of tip for script.

From help:
Returns the A angle of the tip. Read-only Double."

I have no clue how to retrieve data. How I can A angle of current tip?
  • Seems to be:
    TIP/* = SET_ACTIVE_TIP (60)

    Activetip has an .Angle property, but that could be for B. Otherwise you can use the Probe object to find tip info, but I wouldn´t recommend that. Better to do what you do already. I'd put it in a function so it doesnt mess up the code so much.
  • Thanks. I didn't manage to get A angle in any other way than my so I will stick to my way.
    Could you be more specific what do you mean by "put it in a function". If that isn't that what i have done, then it is outside of my experience.
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