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Convert XactMeasure GETTEXT to expressions for geometric tolerance commands

PC-Dmis 2020 R2 saw the introduction of the geometric tolerance command which replaces the old XactMeasure. With XactMeasure it was sometimes necessary to use the GETTEXT function in to access information. The geometric tolerance command exposes much more data via the usual "dot" syntax method and, because it is a different command, the old GETTEXT references no longer work. This script converts them to their new equivalents.
  • Stirling work Neil!

    I don't use them myself but this is the sort of thing that's sadly being lacking from Hexagon previously.

    I've long thought that this forum has been sadly lacking consistent participation by Hexagon AE's (I mean no disrespect to the few that are on here such as Don Ruggieri and others, or the excellent but now departed Josh Carpenter).

    This swift fix (note - not time consuming work around) for an issue caused by a software change is really good to see - top job!

  • Stirling work Neil!

    I don't use them myself but this is the sort of thing that's sadly being lacking from Hexagon previously.

    I've long thought that this forum has been sadly lacking consistent participation by Hexagon AE's (I mean no disrespect to the few that are on here such as Don Ruggieri and others, or the excellent but now departed Josh Carpenter).

    This swift fix (note - not time consuming work around) for an issue caused by a software change is really good to see - top job!

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