Currently I have modified some script and what I found is when I have a location/tp output the output_id appears with 0,0,0. Then in the next 'instance' the output_id = 0 and I get the appropriate nom, ptol, mtol value. Almost every other output style (in legacy) will pull the output_id, nom, ptol, mtol without a gap. Here is the code I am using so far:
Dim Axs As String, Nom As String, Oid As String, Uptol As String, Lowtol As String Part_S = "" i = 0 For Each Cmd In DmisCommands If Cmd.IsDimension Then k = k + 1 Set dcmd = Cmd.dimensioncommand Ax_s = Cmd.TypeDescription O_id = CStr(dcmd.ID) No_m = CStr(dcmd.Nominal) Up_tol = CStr(dcmd.Plus) Low_tol = CStr(dcmd.Minus) If Ax_s = "Datum Definition" Then GoTo Skip End If If Ax_s = "Dimension Position" Or Ax_s = "Dimension Location" Then O_id_h = O_id Mult_i = "True" i = i+1 Else Mult_i = "False" i = 0 End If If Mult_i = "False" Then If k = 1 Then Part_S = O_id & "," & No_m & "," & Up_tol & "," & Low_tol End If If k > 1 Then Part_S = Part_S & "," & O_id & "," & No_m & "," & Up_tol & "," & Low_tol End If End If If Mult_i = "True" Then If k = 1 Then Part_S = O_id_h End If If k > 1 Then Part_S = Part_S & "," & O_id_h & "," & No_m & "," & Up_tol & "," & Low_tol End If End If Skip: End If Next Cmd Part_S = SerNum & "," & Part_S Private Sub MakeStatusFile() Open INFOPath For Append As #1 Print #1, Part_S Close #1 Exit Sub End Sub
For example the following output will appear as "LOC_FORM",0,0,0,,"5.4756","4.0000","0.002",,"0","5.0000","0":
DIM LOC_FORM= LOCATION OF CIRCLE CIR_A1 UNITS=IN ,$ GRAPH=OFF TEXT=OFF MULT=10.00 OUTPUT=BOTH HALF ANGLE=NO AX MEAS NOMINAL +TOL -TOL DEV OUTTOL D 5.47560 5.47560 4.00000 0.00200 0.00000 0.00000 #--- RN 0.00000 0.00000 5.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 #--- END OF DIMENSION LOC_FORM
I'd like it to be: "LOC_FORM","5.4756","4.0000","0.002","LOC_FORM","0","5.0000","0"