I found a solution, it may not be the best but it works.
Now all you have to do is take advantage of the information in these offices.
'************************************************* **************************************
Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Set PCDPartPrograms = PCDApp.PartPrograms
Set PCDPartProgram = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram
Set PCDCommands = PCDPartProgram.Commands
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
PCDApp.Visible = True
AppActivate ("PC-DMIS CAD++ 2019 R1 (release)")
WShell.SendKeys "%VO"
Set WShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WShell.Popup "Validar dados", 1, "INFO", 48
I found a solution, it may not be the best but it works.
Now all you have to do is take advantage of the information in these offices.
'************************************************* **************************************
Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Set PCDPartPrograms = PCDApp.PartPrograms
Set PCDPartProgram = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram
Set PCDCommands = PCDPartProgram.Commands
Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
PCDApp.Visible = True
AppActivate ("PC-DMIS CAD++ 2019 R1 (release)")
WShell.SendKeys "%VO"
Set WShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WShell.Popup "Validar dados", 1, "INFO", 48