Hello all,
I know this is an odd question, but has anyone come across a script
that would use perhaps a .wav file to audibly convey the deviations
of vector points in real time when running the cmm program.
It would come in handy for me in a few instances. (Not being able to see the
monitor would be one instance.)
Or maybe an idea of how to start to tackle a script of this sort.,
Any comments would be appreciated.
Yes. It seems like it would be alot of work and I'm not sure how involved it would be
to write a script that would accomplish that.
To narrow it down, the script could only cause a voice to speak the out of tolerance
deviations for the vector points. This would be used for marking rework.
to extract the deviations is easy enough and there are enough examples.
Sending the data to an external program and or an website is also possible.
Just have to find a website or a ready-made program that speaks an given text with an ai voice
preferably one that can be controlled with command lines (cmd). Or has an html interface.
that being said:
I didn't search, but if you can't find a ready-made program for it, this will not work.
I don't think this can be implemented directly in basic-script
Put the text below in a text file and change the extension to .bas or paste this into basic script editor and save. Then Insert>Basic Script and navigate to .bas file. This one you could call Plane.bas, and you could do the same for lines, points, etc.
Code Dim speechobject As Object
Dim response As String
Sub Part1
Set speechobject=createobject("sapi.spvoice")
speechobject.speak response
I haven't looked at the forum for a couple of days.
I will give that code a try.
My final objective is to be able to "speak via script" the out of tolerance value
of perhaps 500 vector points will program is running.
I would have to take the previous vector point deviation, determine
if it was out of tolerance and then call the script.
If I had +/- .005 (inches) tolerance, and the deviation was +.009 inches,
I would love to hear a "plus .004" echo thru the CMM room.
How involved would that be??
You would need an if_goto flow control after every single output that jumps to the .bas file if the o/tol condition exists.
You would likely need to format the way you title your outputs because you will need to pass your nom and tols into variables to pass into the .bas file.
Then you would need an if_goto flow to return you to the code just after the output.
I think what you are looking to accomplish is pretty cool, I hope it works out for you.