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Multiple CMMS running scripts

When running scripts, do you guys pull the scripts from a network drive or a local drive. For example you have 2 cmms both use the same script to save a program after it completes and that script is on the network. what can happen if two different programs try to run the script at the same time? ours are all on our local but IT wants them on the network for reasons I'm not going to get into.
  • I have not attempted to run the .bas scripts from anywhere but a local folder.
    I've always thought it to be safer. Any edit of a .bas script gets done at an upper level then pushed to each workstation.
    Good luck if you go the network route.

  • Good luck if you go the network route.

    per IT and management, its on the network now on all cmms we use so I'm just waiting for data issues, software issues or cmm crashes. we have seen about a 2 to 15 mins longer run times per program as it runs on the network depending on the amount of data being transferred.

  • Glad we are not being strong armed into that here! Sorry you've been stuck in that boat.
  • In defense of the IT department and network drives, it likely has to do with protecting the family jewels and making sure they're backed up. A network drive is easier for this than a scheme to back up local drives on each and every individual computer.

    We used them (network drives) and have not had any issues except the occasional network drop (rare). of course, everything shuts down in that case.

    As executing for executing scripts, I'm not sure if you're referring to basic scripts or PC-Dmis measurement programs. If basic scripts, multiple CMM shouldn't be an issue. For PC-Dmis measurement programs, remember that the measurement program is saved after execution (which is why the data in it always matches the last part measured).
  • I don't think running scripts from network should be an issue.

    However a neat solution could be to use a file copy command to copy the latest script to the local PC during execution, then running it locally.

    IT are happy as everything is backed up and properly controlled.

    Pcdmis is happy because the script is executing as normal.
  • A network drive is easier for this than a scheme to back up local drives on each and every individual computer.

    We used them (network drives) and have not had any issues except the occasional network drop (rare). of course, everything shuts down in that case.

    As executing for executing scripts, I'm not sure if you're referring to basic scripts or PC-Dmis measurement programs. .

    Funny thing is our local drives are backed up to our main server every couple of hours. We have our master CMM programs stored on the network. SOP is copy the master to the local drive and run the cmm until you are done. our scripts run off the local PC drive and save the program, PDF and Excel to the network based on part number and job number as well as upload to our ERP system. Our concern was that if the scripts are on the network what happens if two Cmm programs call up the script at the same time? We have 12 cmms running company wide at 4 sites running 24/7, so the odds that two machines could activate the script at the same time is possible. Time will tell IT is actually tracking what PC activates the script at what time so if we see overlaps and no data issues then yeah. Thank you for the input, hearing that it should be an issues makes us feel a little better.

    I don't think running scripts from network should be an issue.

    However a neat solution could be to use a file copy command to copy the latest script to the local PC during execution, then running it locally.

    IT are happy as everything is backed up and properly controlled.

    Pcdmis is happy because the script is executing as normal.

    we are actually considering that or just leaving the "master" script on the network and copy that to the local and run it from there. Due to our ERP system we don't modify the script as any changes could result in upload errors.
  • hi,

    i had a script in the network drive for about 2 years, three machines accessed it without any obvious problems.

    however, the probability that it was accessed at the exact same time was still very low​
  • Assuming the scripts are all in the same folder why not have IT just create copies of those folders for each machine to access. Wouldn't have to worry about multiple interferences.
  • Update. so over the weekend we had 3 cmms all try to access the script at the same time on the network while running a fully automated unattended operations , 2 got error messages and had to have an operator restart their inspection process. IT has decided to just let us keep copies on the local drives for each cmm to access and "masters" on the network that are not accessed by any CMM.