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How to open a python script in pcdmis?

I've got a couple basic scripts running on our programs and you simply go to INSERT > BASIC SCRIPT and chose the .bas file. But it won't let me choose a python file .py.
I tried external command and that doesn't work and I've tried INSERT > FILE I/O COMMAND > FILE OPEN, but when I run the program it runs the program without doing anything inside the python script.

How were those running some python scripts here actually getting pcdmis to open the python script?


  • Appreciate the replies...I believe I was onto something last night, but my problem is at work we have One Drive and my python is installed somewhere else so I'm getting python errors. I need to have our IT look at how I'm calling the cmd.exe to run the python script.

    I don't think the external program works b/c it needs to be called with python.exe for example if you want to run a python program from cmd you need to enter 'py program.py'

    Because my work setup is on the strange side, I just tried to get a python program running from inside Excel VBA. There are many methods to do this by googling, but I found this example to be the shortest:

    Sub Main()
    Dim vbaShell As Object
    Set vbaShell = VBA.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    vbaShell.Run """C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Py thon310\python.exe""" & """C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\PCDMIS.PY"""
    End Sub

    The python code I tested below, I simply dumped into Excel VBA and ran it from there and it worked. For anyone, unfamiliar with win32api it is a library you must install after you install python on your computer. To get win32api library open a command prompt and type in 'pip install pywin32' they have different names for some reason.

    My goal is to not learn a new language as I enjoy pythons elegance and libraries and don't have the need to learn a new language. I'd like to write programs that I can do already in 20-30 minutes instead of struggling thru vba syntax.

    import win32com.client as w32
    dmisapp = w32.Dispatch('PCDLRN.Application')
    dmispart = dmisapp.ActivePartProgram
    dmiscommands = dmispart.Commands
    print(dmisapp.CurrentFolder) # Location of .PRG
    input('Press any key to continue...')

    I'll post my code and what I'm doing once I get this up and running. I'm sure what I'm doing can be done in VBA, but I'd much prefer using python.
  • I agree. I would rather use python instead of VBA. I was hoping to use python for PC-DMIS and I just found it much easier to use Visual Studio and C#. With Visual Studio it's all there for me to develop GUI, Console apps and executables all within one install. Right now I am learning the Go or golang using VS code for other projects.
  • I agree. I would rather use python instead of VBA. I was hoping to use python for PC-DMIS and I just found it much easier to use Visual Studio and C#. With Visual Studio it's all there for me to develop GUI, Console apps and executables all within one install. Right now I am learning the Go or golang using VS code for other projects.
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