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Yet another example of PC-Dmis Automation in VB

I've received a few requests from folks on the forum if I could provide an example of PC-Dmis Automation in VB. While perusing through old Forum questions I found one from a use asking is there was a way to start a PC-Dmis measurement program at a specific time. So here is my answer to that question in the form of a PC-Dmis Automation program written in VB on Visual Studio 2019.

The above image is what it looks like when you start it up. Note the bottom status line informing you that PC-Dmis is starting up. It will take a few moments before you see the PC-Dmis IDE appear momentarily then disappear into the background.

I have two zipfiles on Google Drive (the links are below) One is named "PcdmisClock VB Project.zip" and the other is named "PcdmisClock Application.zip".

The first is a Visual Studio VB project folder that you can unzip into your Visual Studio project folder.
The second is zipfile of a folder that you can unzip whereever you like.
Both should be on a system that has PC-Dmis installed.
