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Saving the Snapshots of CAD View as files


Does anyone have implemented to save the report CAD View images produced by the Snapshot commands as each image file such as bipmap (.BMP)?

It would be great if you can share something similar code or advise me.

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

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  • Sub Main
    Dim DmisApp As Object
    Dim DmisPart As Object
    Dim PartVersion As String
    Dim WScript As Object
    Set WScript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    WScript.AppActivate "PC-DMIS CAD++ 2021.2"
    WScript.SendKeys "%{s}"
    WScript.SendKeys "testimage"
    WScript.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
    End Sub

    This works, just need to learn how to set a variable for the file name or another method. Or keep the text the same and just append date/time to the end of it.