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There is a problem with the auto-save script?

Dim pcdApp As PCDLRN.Application = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Dim pcdParts As PartPrograms = pcdApp.PartPrograms
Dim pcdPart As PartProgram = pcdApp.ActivePartProgram
Dim Cmds As Object
Cmds = pcdPart.Commands
Dim Cmd As Object
Dim archivePath As String
archivePath = TextBox37.Text
Dim myUID
myUID = "UID"
Dim source_path
source_path = pcdPart.FullName

Dim progname As String = pcdPart.Name.Substring(0, pcdPart.Name.Length - 4)

Dim fso As Object = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

Dim ofolder As Object

If Not fso.folderexists(archivePath) Then
ofolder = Directory.CreateDirectory(archivePath)
End If

If Not fso.folderexists(archivePath & "\" & progname) Then
ofolder = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(archivePath, progname))
End If

Dim uniqueid
uniqueid = ""

Dim myvar As Object
myvar = pcdPart.GetVariableValue(myUID)

If Not myvar Is Nothing Then
uniqueid = myvar.stringvalue

End If

Dim dest_path As String
Dim dest_path_cad As String
Dim currentTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim formattedTime As String = currentTime.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒")

dest_path = archivePath & "\" & progname & "\" & progname & "_" & uniqueid & "_" & Format(Now(), formattedTime) & ".PRG"
dest_path_cad = archivePath & "\" & progname & "\" & progname & "_" & uniqueid & "_" & Format(Now(), formattedTime) & ".CAD"

fso.copyfile(source_path, dest_path)
fso.copyfile(source_path, dest_path_cad)

fso = Nothing
pcdPart = Nothing
pcdApp = Nothing

VB.net can save CAD normally. PRG. But when I open the backup program again, there is a situation of losing 3D. How can I solve this problem?