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Need Help...Question


When Programming offline and doing AutoCircles, when I pick a feature, the hit values do not line up where they should on the CAD...This just started happening and I cannot figure out what changed....
Typically, when I pick a hole, my autocircle goes to one end of the hole or the other and I adjust the "Z" Value at the depth I want to Probe the hole....
Now, it's like there is an offset value somewhere and the points aren't lining up where the Graphical points show on the CAD.....does that make sense???....

Basically, the Graphical representation of the individual hits (CAD VIEW) do not line up with the proper depth....

any Ideas???


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  • Need Help,

    I scanned 45 degrees of the outer circle (not the full circle-see picture). The probe is in position A90B180. I wonder how I would find the highest point along the Z-axis and the nearest point of the scan along the x-axis? What is the search formula with Assigment? Is there any other solution to find this point from scan results?

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  • To find the highest point in Z you could open the "Constructed Point" feature. Select your radius, then choose "Extreme Point" in the drop down menu. Then choose "maximum" and "Z-Plus". As long as your alignment is correct that should get you there.
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