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Sphere Scanning(?)

Is it possible to scan ( with a sp-25 ) a sphere. I can not find anything that I can choose that will let me scan one. I want to check all my probes in one program with a quick qual check program. I can do normal spheres with the auto/sphere but they won't scan the sphere. Any suggestions.
  • Another way to create the file, with a VBA script... To be used in an excel file, no need to write anything else in it...

    Sub Macro1()
    'This script creates a text file with x,y,z,i,j,k values
    'for an external sphere (1 hit/° around the axis)
    The sphere is centered on the origin, vector along zaxis.
    'The text file can be used into a freeform scan.
    'Hope it can be used by someone here [emoticon:C4563CD7D5574777A71C318021CBBCC8]
    Dim nbr, sph_rad, xx, yy, zz, ii, jj, kk
    Dim alpha, beta, pi, pas_alpha, pas_beta
    nbr = InputBox("enter number of rounds")
    sph_rad = InputBox("enter the sphere radius")
    pi = 4 * Atn(1)
    alpha = 0
    beta = 0
    pas_alpha = pi / 180
    pas_beta = pi / (4 * 180 * nbr)
    Open "points_scan_sph.txt" For Output As #1
    For i = 1 To ((nbr * 360) + 1)
    xx = sph_rad * Cos(alpha) * Cos(beta)
    yy = sph_rad * Sin(alpha) * Cos(beta)
    zz = sph_rad * Sin(beta)
    ii = Cos(alpha) * Cos(beta)
    jj = Sin(alpha) * Cos(beta)
    kk = Sin(beta)
    Write #1, xx, yy, zz, ii, jj, kk
    alpha = alpha + pas_alpha
    beta = beta + pas_beta
    Next i
    Close #1
    End Sub
  • doesnt seem to work all the time... it did work once or twice but i dont know what is going to with it...
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