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Feature Set to Surface Profile

Hi, I am new to the forum so please be considerate.

When you are creating a feature set and say you put in a circle, a line, and a plane, to create (scn1) when you output (scn1) as a profile Form+Location and MaxMin does this give you the profile of each individual point in those features or a profile of the centroids of those features?

If the centroids, Is there an easier way other than probing all the points over again or probing all the points and then creating your features to get what I am looking for?

Thank you for your help!

  • Wanted to ask this question in a related thread that discussed numhits as well...

    Before I knew what numhits was one of my 1st practice programs was on a simple rectangular part with a tight profile of a surface tolerance.

    One of the auto features I used for the geotol was a 90 deg circle at a corner of the part and used roughly 5 hits. Most parts from the cnc would pass, but looking back now the centroid should be well within the surface points to cause a fail. Is it possible that the software recognizes you selected a feature and somewhat tries to help you out by comparing it to the CAD feature centroid? Still not the correct approach if so, but I'm just curious about this.... Or should it be just recognizing the centroid as a hit and simply comparing it to where that should be on the surface and most likely showing out of tol?

  • Wanted to ask this question in a related thread that discussed numhits as well...

    Before I knew what numhits was one of my 1st practice programs was on a simple rectangular part with a tight profile of a surface tolerance.

    One of the auto features I used for the geotol was a 90 deg circle at a corner of the part and used roughly 5 hits. Most parts from the cnc would pass, but looking back now the centroid should be well within the surface points to cause a fail. Is it possible that the software recognizes you selected a feature and somewhat tries to help you out by comparing it to the CAD feature centroid? Still not the correct approach if so, but I'm just curious about this.... Or should it be just recognizing the centroid as a hit and simply comparing it to where that should be on the surface and most likely showing out of tol?

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