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DCC alignment not automatically following manual alignment

Hello all,

I'm new to PC DMIS and I'm having an issue where it seems like my manual alignment is not properly telling my DCC alignment where the features are.

I'll get a program up and running, and then I have to move the part to a different location on the table for one reason or another.

I run another manual alignment, go to run the program, and it doesn't work.

I was able to resolve the problem by re-setting my initial alignment and updating the dependent features, but my understanding is that I shouldn't have to do this every time and that it should do it automatically.

what am I missing here?

  • Originally posted by

    do you mean my method is not valid? I have 2013mr1 with no home page or discover tab to reference.

    Your method is correct, I was simply trying to make people aware that there is a documented example available. This is a very common cause for nominals changing unexpectedly since the alignments can become unstable if a level is performed with no rotation. The only caveat I would add would be to use a constructed plane (plane at alignment, created in STARTUP or a GENERIC plane for example) rather than a constructed line for the feature you rotate to - planes are a lot more stable than lines since they are 3D whilst lines are typically treated as 2D.

    Originally posted by
    You are right on a simple bushing or circular part a rotation may not be needed and the software all CMM software will default to the internal world co-ordinate system. But if you are clocking a prismatic part you should always rotate before translate.

    This is a common misconception. Although it may look this way and the software will try to maintain the same orientation as the "internal world co-ordinate system", mathematically, it is still an unstable alignment. I have seen this proven, albeit in very rare cases, by the ability of an alignments rotation to flip by 180° when it is not fully constrained. I've seen this both with PC-Dmis and with other metrology software packages and it normally happens when the part is pretty much perfectly coincident with the CMM axis you are levelling to.

    This is the code for the example routine, unfortunately, I can't post the .prg and .cad.
    $$ NO,
    ================================================== ================================================== ======
    . Hexagon example measurement routine showing how to align rotationally symmetric work pieces.
    . PLEASE NOTE: This measuremnt routine is intended to be run in off-line mode only.
    ================================================== ================================================== ======
    $$ NO,
    Alignment of rotationally symmetric work pieces
    When aligning the work pieces in the PC-DMIS software, it is crucial that all variances
    (3 translational and 3 rotational) are defined using the alignment menu.
    If a work piece has no clear feature to identify the plane rotation (for example if the
    work pieces are rotationally symmetric), appropriate theoretical auxiliary elements
    must be used. In cases of this kind, the plane rotation step cannot simply be missed
    out, and it should not be assumed that the relevant CMM axis will be automatically
    used to define the second orientation.
    For example:
    The CAD model for thei routine depicts a rotationally symmetric work piecewhich is to
    be aligned such that the measurement and the evaluation of all testing features can be
    carried out clearly and reproducibly.
    For clear alignment, only the two datum elements can be directly measured on the
    work piece: the smaller of the three cylinders (Z1) (diameter of 10 mm, length 60 mm),
    and the plane E1 (front face). Only these elements can be used to align the work piece.
    There are no directly measurable elements for defining the rotation. 2 rotational and
    2 translational variances will be established (rotation by X, rotation by Y,
    translation to X, translation to Y) using cylinder Z1. Plane E1 determines the third
    translational variance (translation to Z).
    It is not possible to define the rotation by Z with the directly measurable elements.
    This value must be defined using a theoretical element that includes suitable orientation
    information. It is preferable to define a theoretical plane when doing this. It is not advisable
    to use theoretical lines to define the orientation, since calculating the alignment becomes
    unstable in certain cases.
    The alignment plane must be defined as a theoretical auxiliary element.
    If the work piece is aligned manually, this plane relates to the corresponding coordinate
    system plane of the machine coordinate system. Defining an alignment plane for subsequently
    defining the secondary orientation:
    MOVESPEED/ 500
    TIP/T1A0B0, SHANKIJK=0, 0, 1, ANGLE=0
    $$ NO,
    STEP 1 : Open the constructed plane dialogue window and choose "alignment" type.
    Press the "create" button, to construct the theoretical plane.
    The normal orientation of this plane corresponds, as standard, to the orientation
    of the current working plane. By switching directly to command mode, it is also
    possible to select the desired orientation (XPLUS; XMINUS, YPLUS, YMINUS, ZPLUS, ZMINUS).
    This means that there is now a plane with a defined normal orientation as an element for
    defining the remaining rotational variance. In the work piece programme, there are now
    three elements available that contain information for defining all six variances. The
    alignment of the work piece can now be fully defined.
    ANGLE VEC=<1,0,0>
    ANGLE VEC=<1,0,0>,RADIAL
    $$ NO,
    STEP 2 : Defining the work piece alignment
    The fully constrained work piece alignment can now be created.
    ZPLUS is leveled to cylinder Z1, the planar rotation is carried out explicitly by
    rotating XPLUS to the theoretical plane E_ROT, which represents a coordinate system plane
    of the machine coordinate system. Finally we origin X & Y on cylinder Z1 and Z on plane E1.
    $$ NO,
    Note: If the plane rotation is not carried out explicitly with the theoretical element,
    there will be no clear and reproducible work piece alignment. In such cases,
    it may be necessary to recalculate the nominal values with the software.
    This is why the described procedure must be respected, even if the work pieces
    are rotationally symmetric.
  • Sorry do not agree have never seen a problem in 30+ years and just what is the software using to create the magical solid alignment if not based on the CMM world system if PcDmis cannot use its internal system in these cases then that is an error in the software and should be documented.
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