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Scanned Feature Will Not "Complete"

SP25M - B3C-LC - 2019 R2

Auto feature adaptive cylinder scan will not "complete"

It will complete when I "test" or when I execute the individual feature, but while running the entire program it will not complete and move onto the next step. IE, if I put a comment or incremental move immediately after the scanned auto feature, it will never get there.

Any suggestions? I'm lost, and new to analog scanning.

  • What are your Settings in the scan?


    Best settings for linear open continuous scans? I keep getting that my min exceeds the max dialog box. Usually used TP20 touch probes in the past. scan spd? density? any suggestions would be appreciated....
  • What are your Settings in the scan?


    Best settings for linear open continuous scans? I keep getting that my min exceeds the max dialog box. Usually used TP20 touch probes in the past. scan spd? density? any suggestions would be appreciated....
  • 1/4 or smaller, I like to use 2 to 5 for the speed. Trying to whip around a small hole, sometimes to fast errors out, you get up to a 1 inch hole, I'll bump it up 15 to 30. Just sometimes it's a trial and error thing. bigger the hole the more it has to travel and a smoother rotation, because it's not confined into a tight area. Think of it like cuttting a donut with your car, you punch it, and cut the wheels tight, you may not start cutting that donut, where you thought you started, Now think of Nascar, Racing at some top speeds around a huge round track, Ok it's an oval track, but you get what I mean, You can go faster because of the stability you have to work with.