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Scanned Feature Will Not "Complete"

SP25M - B3C-LC - 2019 R2

Auto feature adaptive cylinder scan will not "complete"

It will complete when I "test" or when I execute the individual feature, but while running the entire program it will not complete and move onto the next step. IE, if I put a comment or incremental move immediately after the scanned auto feature, it will never get there.

Any suggestions? I'm lost, and new to analog scanning.

  • I've seen that stalling at the end issue on normal scans, when I had all zero's in place for the the "auto move" within the exec controls area.
    It needs to have a value in there as a means of prehit-retract distance of sorts.

    I've never experienced it with an adaptive scan strategy, and i don't think my input above will help in this case.

    The only other thing I could suggest is switching off any void detection, avoidance moves, and ensuring your theo values (coords and vectors) are correct... to see if any of it helps.
  • I've seen that stalling at the end issue on normal scans, when I had all zero's in place for the the "auto move" within the exec controls area.
    It needs to have a value in there as a means of prehit-retract distance of sorts.

    I've never experienced it with an adaptive scan strategy, and i don't think my input above will help in this case.

    The only other thing I could suggest is switching off any void detection, avoidance moves, and ensuring your theo values (coords and vectors) are correct... to see if any of it helps.
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