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Scanned Feature Will Not "Complete"

SP25M - B3C-LC - 2019 R2

Auto feature adaptive cylinder scan will not "complete"

It will complete when I "test" or when I execute the individual feature, but while running the entire program it will not complete and move onto the next step. IE, if I put a comment or incremental move immediately after the scanned auto feature, it will never get there.

Any suggestions? I'm lost, and new to analog scanning.

  • Good morning, following up here...

    So I found out that this is apparently a problem within 2019R1/R2, where if you set a breakpoint anywhere in the code, it will pause and not finish autofeatures using scan paths.

    I read that on a thread, tried it with and without breakpoints and that seemed to be my problem. If anyone can confirm this issue or share whether or not it still exists in newer revisions, I'd be interested to know.
