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2020R2 Geometric Tolerance: PDF Report Issues

I have been experiencing weird issues when exporting to a PDF with PC-DMIS pertaining to the Geo Tol functions. The Report Window in PCDMIS will be fine, but when exporting the report to a PDF, the measurements just vanish. I have also seen an "ERROR" and black bar lines, in which the report window is fine. All the raw data extracts just fine, but the reports are missing data. Anyone else experience this issue? Seems to be the case in which a LOOP is involved. The kicker, it's not every feature.

Why does it work for some features and not others? This also happens for one other feature (just not pictured). I tried recreating the measurement and receive the same results. This is occurs on my offline seat as well as my online seats. Confused
  • Are you trying to loop a specific section of the routine or the entire routine? We only support looping the entire routine - for example where multiple parts are measured on a fixture and the loop is used to step through the fixture positions.

    From the geometric tolerance command help documentation.


    In most cases, for your measurement routine, we recommend a simple structure like this:
    1. Construct an initial alignment to find the part in 3D space. For information, see the "Creating and Using Alignments" chapter.
    2. Measure all the considered feature surfaces and datum feature surfaces.
    3. Define the datums using datum definition commands.
    4. Define the specified size tolerances and geometric tolerances using geometric tolerance commands.
    5. Define any simultaneous tolerances using simultaneous tolerance commands.

    You need to create the size tolerances and geometric tolerances on datums before any geometric tolerances that reference those datums. This is because geometric tolerances that reference a datum frequently need to know about any size tolerances and geometric tolerances on that datum. If you later edit any size tolerances on a datum, please ensure that all subsequent geometric tolerances that reference that datum have the correct size tolerance information for the datum.

    We do not recommend using copy/paste or paste-with-pattern to replicate the geometric tolerance command. There are some cases where it works, and there are other cases where paste-with-pattern is fundamentally incapable of working correctly. We also do not recommend putting the geometric tolerance command inside a loop, for similar reasons: some cases work, and some cases cannot ever work. It is okay to put the entire measurement routine inside of one loop.

    I am looping the entire program...the dimensions are inside the loop as well. I have done this for years with no issues.

    This isn't a question of if the Geo Tol is working or not. This is how the PDF report is printing off. The Report Window inside PC-DMIS is perfectly fine. I also extract the data into a CSV and that is working great too. It is when it's exported as a PDF to our network drive, that it gets hosed up.

    Obviously there is a conversion issue with the PDF Converter.
  • I totally missed the part about you looping, probably not borrowing from working features to add more bells and whistles that don't work affecting the features that worked, not to work anymore? Rolling eyes
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