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Building an expression for the alignment


  • wait... you don't think everyone here is working for Hexagon paid to service you... right?

    It says right here in my SMA Payment Contract "After receiving your payment, Hexagon hereby agrees to remit ONE Applications Engineer (hereafter referred to as HexAE) to your company for a period of 364 days of servitude. Services provided by HexAE will include but not limited to: 1) unlimited programming advise...2) machine calibration services... 3) two jokes per day regarding how machinists don't measure parts correctly".
  • 3) if only it were just a joke. Not long ago I found almost ,250" (yes inch) circularity error on a diameter with .015 tol... 3 jaw lobing I saw it by eye they passed it with 2 point measure (id mic)... almost needed 2 tri mic for the range to show it
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