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Simultaneous requirement

Can anyone tell me what exactly this command does? Using 2020 R2
Other than putting SIMTOLX after my FCF I don't see anything different then if I didn't use it.
  • I'd suggest you visit ASME Y14.5 - 2018 (2009) Para. 7.19 (4.19).

    A simultaneous requirement applies to position and profile tolerances that use the same datum reference frame (same datum references in the same order of precedence and at the same material conditions). This forces the tolerances to be considered as a pattern in that there is no translation or rotation allowed between the coordinate systems established by each tolerance.

    In other words, any unconstrained (or partially constrained) degrees of freedom can be optimized, but the optimization cannot be different for different tolerances featuring a common DRF. This will put a tighter restriction on the allowed optimization, typically making results look worse than without evaluating simultaneously. It is a requirement of Y14.5 to evaluate common DRF's simultaneously.

    Consider a primary datum plane A with normal vector along Z+ and a secondary datum cylinder B with axis along Z. This DRF is unconstrained in rotation about Z. Imagine two separate patterns of holes with each hole having an axis along Z. Assign a position tolerance to each pattern using DRF [A|B]. You can take advantage of the unconstrained rotation to optimize the results for each pattern, but you can't optimize by a different amount for each pattern as it would not be representative of part function. This, in effect, ties the two patterns together although not explicitly.
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