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Constraining the vector in Autofeature calculations

So far I have only seen that I can constrain the radius in feature calculations. Can we constrain result calculations to things like vector and position as well?

Right now we have a part with a free-form hourglass-like cavity on the inside. The drawing calls out that the circle formed by the smallest crosssection of this hourglass has a rather tight position tolerance. I figured I would just measure the hourglass like a cylinder and set the max inscribed fitting algorithm to obtain the smallest cross-section. Thing is, I would need to constrain the vector of this cylinder to exactly 1,0,0 IJK for the location to be correct.

Is this possible?
  • measure cylinder using autofeature (algorithm MAX_INSC)
    construct circle from cylinder. force theo of circle to be 0*1,0*1,1*1

    maybe that would work?
  • Not exactly, as far as I know, doesn't like constructing the circle.  There's a super-cumbersome way to do it, though (this also makes applicable datum features ASME correct).

    In this example, let's assume you want a female cylinder constrained perpendicular to a plane:  project each and every point in cylinder up to the plane.  Make a feature set.  Now make your max inscribed circle off that feature set. 

  • Not exactly, as far as I know, doesn't like constructing the circle.  There's a super-cumbersome way to do it, though (this also makes applicable datum features ASME correct).

    In this example, let's assume you want a female cylinder constrained perpendicular to a plane:  project each and every point in cylinder up to the plane.  Make a feature set.  Now make your max inscribed circle off that feature set. 
