Wondering if there is another setting I am missing. Our CMM does not retract when taking manual hits.
I know of the F5 setting in the Part / Machine Tab. Doesn't matter what we put in there.
Went into the Settings Editor and changed that one to no avail.
32Z, right...
Since this controller, I had a Sharp 32 common controller (with a pentium card), then a B6CS, and now a DC800.
I believe that this "bug" worked also on FB2 and B3clc...(all under Leitz.dll)
the Sharpe32 that I currently have is what the useless machine foreman had B&S put on the machine when it was retrofitted, replacing the original controller that the machine had. The Sharpe32 was already obsolete when he had them do this because the old-new-stock 32 was cheaper than the new 32-Z, and 'we don't do scanning anyway' which was pure BS.
And even though this was done 23 years ago, that obsolete 32 had a SSD in it, not a spinner.
the Sharpe32 that I currently have is what the useless machine foreman had B&S put on the machine when it was retrofitted, replacing the original controller that the machine had. The Sharpe32 was already obsolete when he had them do this because the old-new-stock 32 was cheaper than the new 32-Z, and 'we don't do scanning anyway' which was pure BS.
And even though this was done 23 years ago, that obsolete 32 had a SSD in it, not a spinner.