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Auto Features not moving...

I'm trying to move the circle path of an auto plane on the Y axis and it will not move. So far I've tried:
changing the Y coordinate in the feature in summary mode (by .010", .050", and 2")
changing he Y coordinate in the feature in command mode (by .010", .050", and 2")
changing the Y coordinate to an adjacent plane with a +.512 displacement

Nothing works. Nothing changes where the probe approaches the part. the probe still looks for the plane in the same location as the default setting (Y 14.571 in this instance).

any ideas?
  • F9 the feature and change the Y-coord, make sure the scanpath values for Y has changed.

    I have noticed that autofeatures using scanning strategies, cannot be changed through the edit window because they need to have their scanpaths updated. So, whatever you type for target and theos has never bitten so the actual scan has changed, until you F9 the feature, change the coord and have the scanpath updated.

    In other words, adaptive scanning strategies for auto features will not work if you are planning on using variables in the theos/targs, because the feature needs to be recalculated.
    The scanpath seems to be a dead list, generated at creation of the autofeature. If possible, Id' love to have scanpath calculated each time the feature shall be measured, but understand that this can have a negative impact on part program execution speed.
  • So the real fix would be to have a ONE TIME toggle in the scan command to recalculate. Kind of like what Measure Now should be..... : )
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