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Questions About The Excel Form Report

Trying to do some things with the excel form report, not having a ton of luck finding resources on what I'm trying to do. The first thing I'm trying to do is report only the Min only of some diameters. I see a Min and a Max under the dimension field for the form builder, when I add it to the form it just displays a zero, even though I have it enabled in the Edit window. And it doesn't seem like it would make sense to use it anyway, as it would report the Min of every dimension anyway if it actually worked. Is it broken? Am I using it incorrectly? Is it possible to only report the Min of some dimensions and not others? I currently have a workaround of setting the Z value of offset points to the V assignment equal to the loc.d.min and reporting that but its not really ideal.

Also is there a way to have an operator Input displayed on the excel form report? I know you can use a tracefield to do this but then it reports that to EVERY dimension and that's not really what Im looking to do. Id really just like the beginning of every row or column of measurements to display a user entered value(in this case a date and time, but not the current date and time). Is this possible?