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2 different parts in the same program

Been requested to merge two separate programs into one. Been searching around the forums this morning and haven't been able to find anything about this.
I have 2 programs I wrote a few months ago for separate parts and have been asked if I'd be able to merge those programs together so our operators can start the program and walk away for both parts to be checked in one shot.
The only idea I currently have is to add both cad models and essentially write 2 programs in 1. Not sure if I can run an If/Then for it or not (I haven't had to use any If/Then commands in the past)

I have just over a year of experience of programming CMMs and have taken CMM 101 and 201.
Running PC-DMIS 2022.1
  • Other option:

    Open the first program, save it as your new program name.

    At the end of the first program section, insert the STARTUP alignment back in, go back into MANUAL mode and insert your second program in. Make sure you have proper move points, workplanes, probes, instructions, etc in place. Then save.

    This way the reporting will all be on one report and in one program.

    Added: The only MAJOR issue with doing this is that if the features / alignments / dimensions / labels / etc are named the same you are going to have an issue! So any naming convention will need to change on the second program to not coincide with the first program.
  • I'll keep that in mind. Luckily they're both somewhat simple, So I wouldn't have a ton of renaming/labeling if I needed to. Thanks for the heads up!
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