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Positional measurements that I don't understand.

Hi Colleagues, I am currently working on one part which is a circle with three ears. It has positional measurements, which I had difficulty with. They are marked in red in the attached photos.
As far as I understand, if the reference point is the central circle, then the controlled elements should be controlled only along the PR, but I can not understand how to represent this in Pcdmis.
I hope you can give me some tips for this.
I use 2014 version PCdmis, and xact.
Datum D what is this??! Dia 100? But it's dat A in my opinion...Alien

  • Is datum D used as a control someplace?
    In your snips, it looks like the only relevant datums being used in a control are A and C.
    --Engineers love to complicate prints with un-utilized datum callouts. The datum reference is noise until used in a FCF.
  • Datum D seems to be controlling position (rotation translation and size) of the three "teeth" on the outside of the 3x A datum holes.
    I presume your third snip with the 2x positions to 1.5, SHOULD be Profile (based on the bold lines) and those FCF's should reference Datums C and D.
    the engineer needs to go back to school, haa haa!
  • Datum D seems to be controlling position (rotation translation and size) of the three "teeth" on the outside of the 3x A datum holes.
    I presume your third snip with the 2x positions to 1.5, SHOULD be Profile (based on the bold lines) and those FCF's should reference Datums C and D.
    the engineer needs to go back to school, haa haa!
No Data