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Report Window Icons, change appearance

Anyone familiar with how to change this icon to something else? This is in the report Window.
  • -Open PCDMIS.
    -Press F1
    -Click in the "Search" Tab
    -Click in the "Search" box
    -type in, " Customizing Toolbars"
  • I've dabbled in there before and can't seem to get to that toolbar. It only goes as far as view/report window. So it will let me change the "report window" icon, but nothing paste that. I thought it may be in the actual editing of the report.
  • My apologies for being facetious. You are correct, there's no way to edit the REPORTING toolbar in that window.
    however, in the "Reporting Toolbar" help it says the following (SHIFT+ DRAG each menu item to customize and zap all the default ones):
  • This still doesn't let me customize the look of the icon. To clarify further, I made a new template and added it to the toolbar as described above. But the icon is the same as the other template I have in there. If I hover over it I can see that the name is different, but besides that and placement, there is nothing that distinguishes it from the other type of report. It's not a huge deal as there is only me the programmer and 1 operator. it'll be easy enough to explain. Just trying to make the icon different. For instance I think there is a preset report that I took out of there that says text and CAD OOT. That report had a different icon. So it must be able to be done somehow. Thanks for your efforts.