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Change in actual position vs theoretical

Just had our machine calibrated on 12/6 and I ran an automated probe calibration program late last week. Started crashing on programs that have a tight target window prior to alignment and notice that we have quite a bit of variance between actual hit points versus theoretical targets. X is +.0081, Y is + .00285 and Z is -.0304.
The technician did comment that our calibration sphere was loose and that it was ok to super glue it back into place. I did that this morning and reran the probe calibration probe with no change, still crashing.

Machine Brown & Sharpe one running PCDMIS 2020 R1

any ideas?
Parents Reply
  • It is normal practise to remove all fixtures when calibrating a CMM this will then require the fixture alignment program to be run, but even if the fixtures were not removed it is good practise to re-run alignment programs after a machine calibration. This is the first thing I would do to see if it fixes the problem.
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