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Profile max div or measured point

We have a debate going on at work right now does PC Dmis calculate profile as Max deviation times 2 or worst measured point times 2? Is max deviation different then worst case measured point? How is max deviation calculated?

My thoight is its max deviation times 2. But engineering says that in violation of asme.

Pcd 2022r2

  • Thanks Neil this is exactly what I needed. It is how I thought it was being done. The powers to be at work say this is a violation of asme 2019. They say once you add in the datum you can not best fit. Your profile becomes bascily a 2d plus minus feature. You profile has to be worst measured point x2 and it does not matter about any other points.

    That depends how many degrees of freedom are controlled by the datums referenced. For example, if there is one datum and it is a plane with a vector of <0,0,1>, that datum locks down the rotational degrees of freedom about the X and Y axis and the translational degree of freedom along the Z-axis. The profile is still allowed to shift in X and Y and rotate about Z since those degrees of freedom are not constrained. PC-DMIS will apply these shifts to minimize the error which is correct per ASME.

  • Thanks Neil this is exactly what I needed. It is how I thought it was being done. The powers to be at work say this is a violation of asme 2019. They say once you add in the datum you can not best fit. Your profile becomes bascily a 2d plus minus feature. You profile has to be worst measured point x2 and it does not matter about any other points.

    That depends how many degrees of freedom are controlled by the datums referenced. For example, if there is one datum and it is a plane with a vector of <0,0,1>, that datum locks down the rotational degrees of freedom about the X and Y axis and the translational degree of freedom along the Z-axis. The profile is still allowed to shift in X and Y and rotate about Z since those degrees of freedom are not constrained. PC-DMIS will apply these shifts to minimize the error which is correct per ASME.
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