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When using a hexagon 5-way adaptor (free spinning until tightened) I would thread some bolts into my table to hold a bar in place square to the X axis. Then place two 1-2-3 blocks against that, loosely assemble the probe and jog it over the blocks to square the tips up, then tighten it all down. Normally there was a bit of extra rotation from snugging it all down. I would just see how much it moved and then repeat the process eyeballing in that amount of anti-rotation. Once you have done it a few times you can normally get it on the second try every time.
Thank you. I need to build a star probe for another CMM we have with a TP-20 6 Way and wasn't quite sure how to go about making it square.
Thank you. I need to build a star probe for another CMM we have with a TP-20 6 Way and wasn't quite sure how to go about making it square.
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