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"Default" Math Vs "Legacy"?

What are we calling the new default Geo-Tol math? "New Math"? "Default Math"?
I remember this gun fight a loooong time ago, it ended up bad for Hexagon and us also.
what I mean is:
The "New Math" best fits a little too aggressive for me compared to "Legacy". Last time I had reports coming out with perfect true position our customer Lockheed Martin mopped the floor with Pc-Dmis and started the whole ISO Best-Fit shootout, disallowing us to use Pc-Dmis best fit algorithms. The "New Math" best fits also. Here is a comparison:

What do you think?
and can we come up with a disparaging term like "New Math" other than "Geo-Tol"? or "Geo out-of Tol"?

  • Of course, the REMOVAL of the reporting of the DATUM SHIFT was a huge mistake as showing a hole at perfect ZERO, when it CAN NOT BE (nothing is perfect!), and NOT explaining why, or showing how, it is a perfect zero, is a bonehead play.

    As for anyone questioning the 'new math', let's face it, Pcdmis has a history of "THIS IS RIGHT, TRUST US", then the next release is "THAT WAS WRONG, THIS IS RIGHT, TRUST US", then the next release "NOPE, IT WAS RIGHT BEFORE BEFORE SO IT'S RIGHT AGAIN NOW, TRUST US....."

    And let us not forget the vector point debacle.....
  • Despite their claim that changes are "USER DRIVEN", the changes are actually driven by the $$$$ of the big purchasers. One of the BIG CUSTOMERS (their words, NOT mine!) wanted a 3rd party 'crash report technology' embedded into Pcdmis. This destroyed the functionality of the auto feature VECTOR POINT. THEY KNEW it did this, yet released the MR without ANY warning anywhere to any customers about this problem. I think that the VECTOR POINT is the most commonly used auto feature (my opinion only) yet they knew they screwed it up, and still released the FUBAR MR anyway because a "BIG CUSTOMER" wanted it.
  • Despite their claim that changes are "USER DRIVEN", the changes are actually driven by the $$$$ of the big purchasers. One of the BIG CUSTOMERS (their words, NOT mine!) wanted a 3rd party 'crash report technology' embedded into Pcdmis. This destroyed the functionality of the auto feature VECTOR POINT. THEY KNEW it did this, yet released the MR without ANY warning anywhere to any customers about this problem. I think that the VECTOR POINT is the most commonly used auto feature (my opinion only) yet they knew they screwed it up, and still released the FUBAR MR anyway because a "BIG CUSTOMER" wanted it.
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