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Hexagon Wrist Failure After Less Than Four Years - Is This Normal?

A bit over three and a half years ago we bought our first continuous-scanning-capable CMM, a Global S Blue 9.12.8 with a HP-S-X1 scanning head (I believe that's just Hexagon's rebranding of the Leitz LSPX line) and Hexagon's 7.5 degree indexable auto wrist, the HH-AS8-T7.5. What the machine has allowed us to do has been amazing, and on the whole we're very happy with the system.

We've never crashed it badly (as in, nothing big enough to make any visible dents on either the scanning probe or the wrist), though I did put too much torque on the scanning head trying to set up a star probe at one point and had to replace that.

Over the course of the last week or so we've had repeated instances of the wrist not seating - sometimes it will try multiple times and then succeed, other times it will not succeed and then just give up. This morning I had to power cycle the entire system to get it to work after it gave up. From what I've seen this behavior points to a failure of the wrist that will require a replacement.

We use the machine frequently over two shifts, five days a week, but beyond the regular use I don't think we do anything that should be particularly hard on it. I see pictures in Hexagon's marketing literature of these heads waving around huge laser scanners that must weigh a good bit more than the scanning head we have on it. Is this seemingly-short lifespan normal? Did we just get a bad egg? Is there something in our use or programming that could be causing more than typical wear? My boss is not very happy at the thought of having to replace these so frequently. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  • KatmandudaMeow: It did its thing a few minutes ago and I was able to capture the full error through the web portal:

    Error code:0X1500601A Module:AI - Axis Interface (layer 5)
    Label:PHM datum error (not seated)
    File:../../src/aiCAxPhm.cpp - Function:axInterpPhmData - Line:1084
    Error type: Strong2 - Motors immediately turned off
    Answer from Probe Head Module = HDA0.0B0.0
    Indexable motorized probe head controller - datum error/wrist not seated
    Current command: NOINPUTCOMMAND
    Position: 528.909 1099.638 -394.754 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000
    Velocity: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
    Auto mode
    CNC mode
    Probe seated
    Safety barrier closed or not present
    Occured:03/20/2023 13-46-57.810
    Reset: 03/20/2023 13-46-57.814​

    The air pressure currently reads about 60psi - there's no air going to the wrist, though, is there?

    : There has been occasional forced unseats, but until the various messes associated with this issue they were very rare. Today it bombed out with a seating error in the middle of a probe change, which then confused it about which probe it had, causing a tool changer crash that resulted in a forced unseat. That sort of event has not at all been the norm until this mess. I've always been conscientious about not changing angles more than I need to, mostly for the sake of cycle time.

    The annoying thing about this is we have some quite old Brown and Sharpe CMMs running Renishaw PH10T's (I think) with TP20s on them that have been chugging away for years and years despite gouges in the side (one or two of which might have been my fault Blush) and various such abuse. By comparison this Hexagon head has been living a pretty cushy life, and here it konks out already?!
  • no but it does check its position and times out if it hasnt been met.
    ya you may need a new head it appears.
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