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management had me run a test. I taped a 2,4,6 block to the table. took the top plane, x+ and y- and created my alignment. I then called them datum a top b x and c y. I measured 2 holes on each side and did a position in geotol. I used the same measured data in legacy and got a .010 difference. How can this be?

What management is saying is the position formula. 2 x (dx^2 + dy^2)^1/2 when you figure it manually using the measured values matches legacy perfectly but it is not matching in GEOTOL.

I understand this is rough and dirty test but I can not explain why parts we measure good with second methods and legacy are good. GEOTOL (which our customer uses and requires) is failing the part. I have asked Hexagon this question and keep being told that GEOTOL is correct to the standard. Which is great but the standard use the 2 x (dx^2 + dy^2)^1/2 formula and is passing this but failing in GEOTOL.

I am not bashing PCD Hexagon or anything but I can not explain it to management.

What am I missing??​
Parents Reply
  • Like Ruff said, your alignments are not the same. So you can't compare the 2. For instance, you are leveling on the b datum plane in your legacy and leveling on the A datum plane in Geotol. And "no", the alignments of legacy and geotol are not used in conjunction with each other. It either uses one or the other depending on how you report it out. Try matching your datums schemes to each other in the same order.
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