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We were using csv exports where we could change the filename to whatever we wanted now they are asking for xml outputs.
I don't see a way to modify the name inside pcdmis without doing some vba scripting? Anyone have any idea how this could be done or if it simply cannot be done?
What exactly are you wanting to do? You may be able do this without VBA scripting. If not, are you willing to use a Basic Script?
I just want the part number and serial number on it.
You can append that easily to your file name if your file name is controlled within your program. I put the underscore there, but you can just remove it.
Put variable in comment for example.
Thanks, but how does xml stats export know to utilize this variable in the name of the xml file?
Apparently that doesn't work,
but you can insert a basic script into your measurement routine that controls the entire XML export process, including the file name and file path.
There's even an example in the help file,
Would this option be ok for you?
but this XML export is the entire measurement routine with all commands and comments... is that even the same thing that zoomable was talking about?
Yep that would be great....can you direct me to the help file where this is shown?
In the meantime, I'm going to dig around myself.
The example still lacks how to adjust the path. If you want to wait, I can complete the script for you later
lovethepirk This looks like it exports the measurement routine as an XML and not the stats/reporting. If you want the whole routine, then this should be simple enough.
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