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Silicon nitride tip calibration issues

We have recently started to replace our ruby tip probes with silicon nitride tips. However, we haven't been able to use any of them because we keep getting the "probe calibration exceed limit" error. All of our ruby tips calibrate fine. Has anyone else ran into this issue? Any trouble shooting ideas? I've done everything I can think of.
Parents Reply
  • if that is inches, then it will only get worse. Of course, is this for SIZE or for STDDEV value? If for size, then it is probably too low, unless it is for a scanning head. For over 30 years, every probe, no matter the size, no matter the machine, for a TTP, the size has been 0.025mm small on average, but the STDDEV has been less than 0.005mm. TTP will always show small, and a 27mm long shank is going to flex a lot, and make the size even smaller, but the STDDEV should still maintain.
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