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Import CSV via Script

This is something I thought would be extremely easy, yet I'm getting no where.

I've tried PartProgram.Import("C:\file\location.csv") as well as PartProgram.Import2("C:\file\location.csv", true)

PartProgram.Import("C:\file\location.step") works as it should for importing CAD.

What am I missing? I've going through the object library and there is no mention of importing a csv but the Import() and Import2() do mention importing another format into the measurement routine.

thanks in advance
Parents Reply
  • I just had one of the developers check and the Import / Import2 methods do not support .csv. I think that's because the csv import tool was probably added at some point after those automation methods were created and whichever developer added .csv neglected to add automation support. We could maybe consider adding it in a future version (2024.1 would be the earliest possible). Until then, you would have to add scripting to parse the csv file yourself and use the other available automation tools to populate the routine.
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