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Pass fail to tolerances

Here is my problem. If I say I only want to report 3 digits and .005+/-.001 and the result is .0061 it will show me a fail. I want it to show me a pass. Same with .0039 want to show as a pass.

Anything in the software that I can turn on to correct the pass fail with that?

Any thoughts would helpful can think of some work arounds.

  • If the drawing specify Y14.5 then that document specifies that All tolerances are absolute no matter how many bazillion zeros you go out to. I.E. a 1 +/- .001 dimension is out of tolerance if the measurement is 1.00100000001. If you are making the parts for the right someone else then in theory they could nail your companies hide to the wall as well as you.

    Besides that, why would you want a process that produces parts right out to the edge of the tolerance.
  • Then there are those of us with 0 position tolerance try to get the shop to remove as much as possible to make the parts easier to pass.
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